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1、Chapter 7Distribution Strategies配送战略配送战略7-27.1 Introduction引言引言lFocus on the distribution function. 重点研究配送功能重点研究配送功能lVarious possible distribution strategies, and the opportunities and challenges associated with these strategies. 各种可能的配送战略;机遇;挑战各种可能的配送战略;机遇;挑战 lTwo fundamental distribution strategie

2、s: 2种根本的配送战略种根本的配送战略lItems can be directly shipped from the supplier or manufacturer to the retail stores or end customer 直接运送直接运送lUse intermediate inventory storage points (typically warehouses and/or distribution centers). 临时库存中转站(仓库临时库存中转站(仓库/配送中心)配送中心)lIssues with warehouses 关于仓库关于仓库lManufacturi

3、ng strategy 制造战略制造战略 (make-to-stock vs. make-to-order) 面向面向库存生产库存生产MTS / 面向订单生产面向订单生产MTOlNumber of warehouses 仓库数量仓库数量lInventory policy 库存策略库存策略lInventory turn over ratio 库存年周转率库存年周转率lInternal warehouses vs. outside distributor 仓库仓库为公司内部为公司内部/外部分销商所有外部分销商所有lOwned by a single firm or by a variety of

4、firms 一家公司一家公司/多家公司所有多家公司所有7-37.2 Direct Shipment Distribution Strategies 直接装运配送战略直接装运配送战略lAdvantages: 优势优势lThe retailer avoids the expenses of operating a distribution center 无配送中心的运作费用无配送中心的运作费用lLead times are reduced. 缩短提前期缩短提前期lDisadvantages: 劣势劣势lRisk-pooling effects are negated 风险无法分担风险无法分担lMa

5、nufacturer and distributor transportation costs increase 运输成本上升运输成本上升lCommonly used scenarios: 常用于以下情况常用于以下情况lRetail store requires fully loaded trucks 零售商店需整车运输零售商店需整车运输lOften mandated by powerful retailers 由强大零售商提出由强大零售商提出lLead time is critical. 提前期非常重要提前期非常重要lManufacturer may be reluctant but hav

6、e no choice 制造商别无选择制造商别无选择lPrevalent in the grocery industry 普遍应用于日用杂货行业普遍应用于日用杂货行业llead times are critical because of perishable goods. LT对易腐货很重要对易腐货很重要7-47.3. Intermediate Inventory Storage Point Strategies 转运战略转运战略lVariety of characteristics distinguish different strategies. 区别不同转运战略的特征区别不同转运战略的特

7、征lLength of time inventory is stored at warehouses and distribution centers. 仓库仓库/配送中心存储库存的长度配送中心存储库存的长度lStrategies: 战略战略lTraditional warehousing strategy 传统仓储传统仓储ldistribution centers and warehouses hold stock inventory 仓库仓库/配送中心持有库存配送中心持有库存lprovide their downstream customers with inventory as need

8、ed. 给下游顾客提供所需库存给下游顾客提供所需库存lCross-docking strategy 直接转运直接转运lwarehouses and distribution centers serve as transfer points for inventory 仓库仓库/配送中心作库存转运点配送中心作库存转运点lno inventory is held at these transfer points. 转运点无库存转运点无库存lCentralized pooling and transshipment strategies 集中化集中化&调运调运lmay be useful when

9、there is a large variety of different products 有大量不同产品时较有用有大量不同产品时较有用7-5Traditional Warehousing 传统仓库传统仓库lInventory management and risk pooling key factors 库存管理库存管理&风险分担风险分担lOther factors also play a significant role 亦起到关键作用的其他因素亦起到关键作用的其他因素lCentralized vs Decentralized Management 集中集中/分散管理分散管理lCentr

10、al vs Local Facilities 中心中心/地方设施地方设施7-6Centralized vs Decentralized Management 集中集中/分散管理分散管理lDecentralized system 分散化系统分散化系统lEach facility identifies its most effective strategy without considering the impact on the other facilities in the supply chain. 各工厂只考虑自身,不顾他人各工厂只考虑自身,不顾他人lLeads to local opti

11、mization. 实现局部最优实现局部最优lCentralized system 集中化系统集中化系统ldecisions are made at a central location for the entire supply network. 由供应网络的中心机构作出决策由供应网络的中心机构作出决策lTypical objective: minimize the total cost of the system subject to satisfying some service-level requirements. 目标:在实现某种程度服务水平的条件下使总成本最小目标:在实现某种程度

12、服务水平的条件下使总成本最小lCentralized control leads to global optimization. 实现全局最优实现全局最优lAt least as effective as the decentralized system. 集中的配送网络至少和分散系统一样有效(集中的配送网络至少和分散系统一样有效()lAllow use of coordinated strategies 允许使用协调战略(第五章)允许使用协调战略(第五章)lIf system cannot be centralized 若系统不能集中若系统不能集中loften helpful to form

13、 partnerships to approach the advantages of a centralized system. 形成合伙伙伴关系来获取集中系统的优势形成合伙伙伴关系来获取集中系统的优势7-7Central vs. Local Facilities中心和地方设施中心和地方设施lCentralized facilities:集中型设施集中型设施lEmploy both fewer warehouses and distribution centers 集中型设施以为着较少的仓库和配送中心集中型设施以为着较少的仓库和配送中心lFacilities are located furt

14、her from customers. 设施的位置远离客户设施的位置远离客户 7-8lOther factors:其他因素其他因素lSafety stock. Lower safety stock levels with centralized facilities 安全库存:集中设施(合并仓库)使供应商风险可集中分担安全库存:集中设施(合并仓库)使供应商风险可集中分担lOverhead. Lower total overhead cost with centralized facilities 管理费用:管理费用: 集中设施降低了总管理费用集中设施降低了总管理费用lEconomies of

15、scale. Greater economies of scale with centralized facilities 规模经济:集中(生产)设施更能够达到规模经济规模经济:集中(生产)设施更能够达到规模经济lLead time. Lead time to market reduced with local facilities 提前期:大量地方设施(仓库)存在会缩短提前期提前期:大量地方设施(仓库)存在会缩短提前期lService.服务:服务:lUtilization of risk pooling better with centralized 集中型设施(仓储)可以利用风险分担的优势

16、集中型设施(仓储)可以利用风险分担的优势lShipping times better with local 运输时间比地方(分散)系统长运输时间比地方(分散)系统长lTransportation costs.运输成本:运输成本:lCosts between production facilities and warehouses higher with local 生产设施与仓库之间运输成本高于地方设施生产设施与仓库之间运输成本高于地方设施lCosts from warehouses to retailers lesser with local 仓库与零售商之间的运输成本更低仓库与零售商之间的运输成本更低7-9A Hybrid Decision混合型决策混合型决策lSome products use centralized strategy while others use local strategy 产品储存在中心设施或各地仓库产品储存在中心设施或各地仓库lNot an either or decision 不是一个非此即彼的决策不是一个非此即彼的决策lVarying degree


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