1、十(4)TCI麻醉Adequate 22.5%Adequate 22.8%Good 74.7%Good 72.5%Poor 2.5%Poor 5.0%The initial infusion rate was higher with Diprifusor TCI(1,200 ml/h)than with manual control(600 ml/h).The mean dose of Diprivan administered at the time of insertion of the laryngeal maskair way was significantly higher(p 0.
2、05)with Diprifusor TCI(201 mg)than with manual control(160 mg)Hutton P et al.1995 n=79n=80诱诱导导质质量量Diprifusor TCIAdequate 22.4%Good 77.6%Good 68.7%Adequate 27.5%Poor 3.8%Manual controlPoor 0%n=76n=80The initial infusion rate was higher with Diprifusor TCI(1,200 ml/h)than with manual control(600 ml/h)
3、.The mean dose of Diprivan administered at the time of insertion of the laryngeal maskair way was significantly higher(p 0.05)with Diprifusor TCI(201 mg)than with manual control(160 mg)Hutton P et al.199530%20%10%10%NS p=0.19Manualcontroln=80Diprifusor TCIn=7628.8%19.7%对切皮运动反应发生率对切皮运动反应发生率The mean o
4、verall infusion rate during maintenance was significantly greater(p=0.001)in theDiprifusor TCI group(13.2 mg/kg/h)than in the manual control group(8.2 mg/kg/h)麻麻醉醉维维持持质质量量051015202530Manual controlDiprifusor TCI维持期间运动反应发生率(%)P=0.02n=80n=7626.2%11.8%The mean overall infusion rate during maintenance w
5、as significantly greater(p=0.001)in theDiprifusor TCI group(13.2 mg/kg/h)than in the manual control group(8.2 mg/kg/h)Russell D et al.1995麻麻醉醉维维持持质质量量0%40%1 2 doses10%3-5doses25%50%Manual controln=80Diprifusor TCIn=75The mean overall infusion rate during maintenance was significantly greater(p=0.001)in theDiprifusor TCI group(13.2 mg/kg/h)than in the manual control group(8.2 mg/kg/h).Settinga higher target concentration with Diprifusor TCI results in automatic administration of a bolusHutton P et al.1995需单次追加用药加深麻醉的比例(%)麻麻醉醉维维持持质质量量输注方案