1、today Id like to share something aboutmobile phone disease(手机综合症)Every thing has two sides.High technology brings great convience to our life,yet,we have become more and more dependent on smart phones.thats what we call mobile phone disease.1.Playing mobile phone in the subway has become a habit of
2、life.the disadvantage of mobile phonesome examples:2.there has been a new kind of people:mobile phone party(手机党).They are used to playing mobile phone or skim micro-blog(微博)or talking by wechat(微信).now and then.they usually sleep late and get up late.what is mobile phone disease?from the pictures ab
3、ove,we can see:mobile phone disease is a kind of psychological disease.Its main symptom is relying on mobile phone too much.some typical symptoms of mobile phone disease(手机综合症的10个典型表现)1.blurred vision(视力模糊)长时间盯着手机屏幕容易导致视力模糊和干眼症。2.lack of sense of security(缺乏安全感)发现自己的手机不在身边的,就会不自觉的焦虑起来,并且感觉没有它都不知道该做什
4、么,该往哪里去,生活都没了色彩。3.headache(头痛)长时间使用手机会引起头痛、疲劳乏力,甚至会导致“老痴”(短时记忆丧失等)。4.put mobile phone beside the apillow(手机放枕边)通过相关的研究还发现,经常性把自己的手机放在离自己的身体很近的地方,是非常的容易让人入睡困难的,这样就会影响您的睡眠质量,从而影响工作质量。5.always go to the toilet with mobile phone(上厕所带着手机,手机24小时不离身。)6.enjoy taking photos for sharing before having meals.(拍
5、照晒美食)吃饭之前,必须先拍照上网与好友共享美食图片。7.play phone while walking(走路也在玩手机)边玩手机边开车、工作或者走路等,容易忽视身边事物,导致意外,甚至会丧命。8.Thumb disease拇指病.长时间使用手机上网或发短信等,手指就会痉挛疼痛,医学上称为拇指腱鞘炎。9.Always hear the sound of phone vibrations.(总听见手机振动声)手机明明静音,有时甚至压根没带手机,却感觉它仿佛在响或振动,这就说明你已经因沉迷于手机而产生幻觉了。10.与亲朋聚会减少与亲朋3个月没聊天,只是通过社交网站了解对方一切情况。2.do ha
6、rm to our sight(影响视力)some bad influence caused bymobile phone diseae 3.mobile phone radiation will affect intelligence(手机辐射会影响智力)4.damage our skin(损害皮肤)5.cause numbness in the fingers(造成手指麻木)1.influence our biological clock(影响生物钟)learn to use mobile phone healthily1.keep a certain distance from your
7、 phone when using,try not to play mobile phone especially in the dark.(玩手机不能离眼睛太近)2.Please keep at least a meter away from the screen when sleeping,this can weaking cell phone radiation effectively.The best practice is to turn off your phone before sleeping.晚上睡觉保持一米的距离,这样可以有效的减少手机辐射。3.Do not play wh
8、en charging the phone,(充电的时候不能玩手机)as the phone is conductive when charging.4.Never make a telephone call on rainy days.2013年7月15日,新疆网新疆网23岁空姐疑充电时打手机身亡报道了南航空姐马爱伦被曝在手机充电时通电话,被电击致死。5.wash your hands for eating after using your phone.用完手机吃东西一定要洗手。世界上最遥远的距离不是生与死而是我们坐在一起,你却在低头玩手机 now though science and technology develops rapidly,however,The distance between people has become increasingly distant.I hope ereryone can learn to use your phone more healthily.thatall!thank you!