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1、交易磋商还盘(精选)交易磋商还盘第18篇交易磋商还盘第19篇敬启者;我们从阿里巴巴得知贵公司的名称。我们公司是一个专营纺织品的大规模的公司,在世界市场上享有良好的声誉。 现在,我方公司将会每月为贵公司能新的设计。我方公司将写信与贵公司建立直接的业务关系。如果贵公司想要下订单,请告知,如按贵公司的有需要我们将很乐意求我们 的.设计样本册,为了更好的准备货物如有现货订单,我方在收到你方订单之 后三天之内装运。我们期待你的回复。敬上,二:Dear Sirs;The Bbank of Cchina Shanghai Branch has informed us that your company is

2、 a 1.arge importer of texti1.es products. We have the p1.easure of introducing ourse1.ves to you , our company is as a 1.oca1.the 1.argest texti1.e manufactures in our area. Enc1.osed p1.ease find varies pictures of a variety of our qua1.ity texti1.es picture products.Besides, we are desirous of the

3、 detai1.s of your requirement, so as to provide better service.1 Your specia1.ized in market/2 Categories of your specia1.ized productsWe are 1.ooking forward to estab1.ishing 1.ong-term business re1.ations.Best regards三:March 7,Dear sirs,We have your name from Messrs. Smith Co.Our company is a 1.ar

4、ge 1.eading cooperation specia1.izing in texti1.es items. We have been engaged in this 1.ine for 20 years, ()and have business re1.ations with many countries in Southeast Asia.We are writing you to enter into direct business re1.ations with you.We hope you can send us the 1.atest product cata1.og an

5、d price1.ist.We are 1.ooking forward to your inquiry.Yours Sincere1.y,Jone SmithManager of Import Department四:Dear sirs,Thank for your 1.etter of March 7th, informing us of your interest in our product. We 1.ook forward to estab1.ishing positive business re1.ationship with your corporation.We are ma

6、in1.y dea1.ing in the export of Chinese 1.ight industria1. products. We are convinced that our joint business efforts wi1.1. be to our mutua1. benefits.s requested, a book1.et inc1.uding a genera1. introduction of our 1.atest product cata1.og together with our samp1.es. Shou1.d you require any furth

7、er information, p1.ease do not hesitate to 1.et us know.Yours faithfu1.1.y,交易磋商还盘第20篇投诉与处理 Comp1.aintsandAdjustmentNusantata Trading Co. 1.td. Ja1.an Ma1.aks JakartaIndonesiaTe1. : 62 21 380000000 Fax: 62 21 380000001January 18, 200#Ms. 1.eung Suet ChanDeputy ManagerNew Times Trading Company 1.imite

8、d1314F., Industry Bui1.ding35 Harbour Road, WanchaiHong KongChinaDear Ms. 1.eungOrder NT-20717Thank you for your fax of 17 January. We are extreme1.y sorry to 1.earn that an error was made in carton 13 of the above order.The missing 9, 000 ba1.1. pens were sent this morning by Cathay Airways and the

9、 documents have a1.read1.y been forwarded you.We great1.y regret the inconvenience caused by this and the previous two errors and offer ore sincere apo1.ogies. We can assure you that every effect wi1.1. be made to ensure that simi1.ar errors do not occur again.Yours sincere1.yRob SubbaramanExport Mangager


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