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1、大学英语四级考试大学英语四级考试写作专题讲座写作专题讲座 一、写作原则二、文章结构三、四级考试对作文的要求四、四级作文真题回顾五、预测六、写作流程七、范文赏析 讲座提纲讲座提纲一、写作原则(一、写作原则(Basic Principles of Writing)Honesty (Be honest.)Clarity (Be clear.)Brevity (Be brief.)Variety -Variety in sentence structure and sentence length -Variety in sentence movement 二、文章结构(二、文章结构(Essay Str

2、ucture) Generally speaking, an essay structure is like this: Introduction Body Conclusion IntroductionItemGeneral Statements The Thesis StatementFunction 1. introduce the topic of the essay;2. give background information on the topic.1. states the main topic;2. lists the subdivisions/subtopics;3. in

3、dicates the organization of the entire paper.Sample (of an introductory paragraph) A person born in the 21st century has seen a lot of changes take place in almost all areas of human life. Some people are excited by the challenges that these changes offer; others want to return to the simpler, less

4、automated life style of the past. Living in the 21st century offers certain advantages, such as a higher standard of living, but it also has some disadvantages, such as a polluted environment, the depersonalization of human relationships, and the weakening of spiritual values.(Thesis statement) Back

5、ground Information General Specific More Specific Thesis Statement Body (Body paragraph structure) a topic sentence supporting details a concluding sentence + (transitional sentences)A. The topic sentence (consisting of the topic and the controlling idea)e.g. Convenience foods are easy to prepare.-T

6、wo reminders to keep in mind when writing a topic sentencevA topic sentence should be neither too general nor too specific.e.g. -American food is terrible. -American food is tasteless and greasy because Americans use too many canned, frozen, and prepackaged food and because everything is fried in oi

7、l or butter. vDo not include too many unrelated ideas in your topic sentence; if you do, your paragraph will not be unified.-American food is tasteless and greasy.e.g. San Francisco is famous for its temperate climate, its many tourist attractions, and its cosmopolitan atmosphere.Revised: San Franci

8、sco is famous for its many tourist attractions.Sample: Londons weather is very strange. It can rain several times a day; each time the rain may come suddenly after the sun is shining brightly. The air is damp and chill right through July. On one March afternoon on Hampton Heath last year it rained t

9、hree times, there was one hail storm, and the sun shone brilliantly-all this within two hours time. It is not unusual to see men and women rushing down the street on a sunny morning with umbrellas on their arms. No one knows what the next few moments will bring.B. The concluding sentence A concludin

10、g sentence serves three purposes.-It signals the end of the paragraph.-It summarizes the main points of the paragraph.-It gives a final comment on your topic and leaves the reader with the most important ideas to think about.Conclusion (The concluding paragraph)The concluding paragraph consists ofA.

11、A summary of the main idea orB. restatement of your thesis in different words andC. Your final comment on the subject Conclusion Item Atransitional signalA summary of the main pointsora restatement of the thesis in different words A final comment on the subjectFunction to tell the reader we are goin

12、g to wind up the essay to remind the reader the main idea or main points to urge the reader to take a certain course of actionSample (of a concluding paragraph) In conclusion, although the 21st century has indeed given us a lot of advantages by making us richer, healthier and freer to enjoy our live

13、s, it has, in my opinion, not made us wise. The 21st century has also made our earth dirtier, our people less humane, and our spiritual lives poorer. We should continue to enjoy the benefits of technological advancements because they free us to pursue our interests and goals. However, we must make a

14、 concerted effort to preserve our natural environment for future generations. Moreover, we should take the time now to make our lives more meaningful in an increasingly impersonal, and computerized world.Summary:1、开头段的写作要点(注意以下几点) 1) 开头偏离主题太远 2)使用抱怨或埋怨之词句 3) 内容不具体,腌制无物 4) 使用不言自明的陈述2、主体段(注意以下几点) 1) 所

15、涉及的内容应该准确、清楚,颇具说服力 2) 段落中一定具备主题句 3) 段落内容应该保持完整、统一 4) 内容顺序安排合理、逻辑性较强 5) 段落之间连贯自然 6) 段落中讨论的内容主次分明,材料比例适当 7) 词与句型运用合理并有变化3、结尾段(结尾段的写作要针对以下几点) 1) 契合主题,与中心思想对应 2) 内容明确、观点到位 3) 干脆利落、不拖泥带水1、评分原则:综合评判(global scoring)2、要求: 1)内容上的要求:所写内容与主题相关;有层次感 2)语言上的要求:主谓语一致;名词的单复数使用正确;时态一致;词语搭配 正确;单词拼写正确;人称代词使用正确;没有片断句;没

16、有不连贯的句子等。 三、四级考试对作文的要求三、四级考试对作文的要求 英文写作(包括段落写作)应做到:英文写作(包括段落写作)应做到:起:提出主题 e.g. Some people think we should read selectively.承:阐述观点(正面): e.g. They argue that.; whats more,.转:从另一面阐述观点(反面) e.g. But others may not agree.合:总结 e.g. Since., we should read./ In a word ( To sum up/ In short/ In conclusion)在写作中尽量使用固定短语和结构,不要逐字翻译。 Should Smoking Be Banned? Should smoking be banned? Answers to this question vary greatly (Answers to this question vary from individual to individual.) Some people are in favor


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