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1、45分语言知识运用练分语言知识运用练 三三限时限时25分钟分钟.完形填空完形填空Today was the fifth time that I had beaten Janice this year at tennis.I was beyond1of myself,but as I stepped out of the court and passed by Janice,I found she2not to see me without raising her head,and she was3beside her father.My mind was racing with4.“Why c

2、ant she just5the loss?Is she purposely trying to mess my confidence so I will not6my best in my next7?”My heart pounded as I dropped my head and held legs tightly.In a few seconds,my8was burning from embarrassment,and without even looking up,I could feel everyones eyes looking at me9.I came10to this

3、 tournament,because my parents were 3,000 miles away.There was no one there to11me or stand up for me.I was by myself,facing so many12.Just then,a warm hand tapped me on my shoulder.I was13to look up as tears streamed down my face.The person who tapped me was Janice.I glared at her and actually14her

4、 to leave me alone.I expected her to start crying again and15to her father.However,she sat down where I was without saying anything.After a few moments of16,she let out a big sigh and apologized for her unusual17.Janice glanced towards where I was looking at.She carefully got up and18me away from th

5、e court.As we were walking,I turned my head around to make eye19with her father.He caught me staring at him and he waved at me with smile.Without20,I gave him a big smile and walked away,making sure that I had my head held high.【文章大意文章大意】这是一篇记叙文。本文主要讲述了作者自己来参加网球锦标赛这是一篇记叙文。本文主要讲述了作者自己来参加网球锦标赛,由于父母不在身

6、边由于父母不在身边,敏感多疑的作者情绪失控敏感多疑的作者情绪失控,却得到了对手的安慰却得到了对手的安慰,再次提起再次提起了信心的故事。了信心的故事。1.A.fond B.proudC.ashamedD.aware【解析解析】选选B。根据上文。根据上文Today was the fifth time that I had beaten Janice this year at tennis.可知作者为自己今年五次打败了可知作者为自己今年五次打败了Janice而感到自豪。而感到自豪。be proud of“对对感到自豪感到自豪”。2.A.pretendedB.decidedC.intendedD.h

7、appened【解析解析】选选A。Janice输了比赛输了比赛,所以作者从她身边走过时所以作者从她身边走过时,她假装没看到作者。她假装没看到作者。短语短语pretend(not)to do sth.表示表示“假装假装(不不)做某事做某事”。3.A.laughingB.shoutingC.whisperingD.crying【解析解析】选选D。从第四段中。从第四段中I expected her to start crying again可知可知,我希望她我希望她再次开始哭。可知她是在父亲身边哭泣再次开始哭。可知她是在父亲身边哭泣(cry)。4.A.commitmentsB.decisionsC.

8、thoughtsD.impressions【解析解析】选选C。结合上文。结合上文My mind was racing with可知此处指作者的脑中有许多可知此处指作者的脑中有许多想法想法(thoughts)急速闪现。急速闪现。5.A.acceptB.doubtC.suggestD.need【解析解析】选选A。由前文可知作者打败了。由前文可知作者打败了Janice,但是却看到她在她父亲身边哭泣但是却看到她在她父亲身边哭泣,所以作者觉得她不能接受所以作者觉得她不能接受(accept)失败。失败。6.A.saveB.seekC.liveD.perform【解析解析】选选D。根据上文。根据上文,作者认

9、为对手正尝试混乱自己的自信作者认为对手正尝试混乱自己的自信,让她不能在下场让她不能在下场比赛中表现比赛中表现(perform)出色。出色。7.A.showB.matchC.discussionD.party【解析解析】选选B。根据第一段中。根据第一段中Today was the fifth time that I had beaten Janice this year at tennis.以及通读全文可知作者在比赛以及通读全文可知作者在比赛(match)。8.A.backB.handC.faceD.heart【解析解析】选选C。结合后文。结合后文was burning from embarra

10、ssment可知作者的脸可知作者的脸(face)因因为尴尬而发红。为尴尬而发红。9.A.strangelyB.secretlyC.happilyD.suddenly【解析解析】选选A。承接上文作者的脸因为尴尬而发红。承接上文作者的脸因为尴尬而发红,可推知是甚至不抬头看作者就可推知是甚至不抬头看作者就能感觉到每个人都在奇怪地能感觉到每个人都在奇怪地(strangely)看着作者。看着作者。10.A.frequentlyB.lateC.worriedlyD.alone【解析解析】选选D。根据后文。根据后文because my parents were 3,000 miles away.可知作者是可


12、选选C。作者不想别人看到自己流泪。作者不想别人看到自己流泪,所以不愿意所以不愿意(unwilling)抬起头让抬起头让别人看到。别人看到。14.A.encouragedB.informedC.forcedD.expected【解析解析】选选D。结合前文。结合前文I glared at her可知作者怒视对手可知作者怒视对手,是希望是希望(expected)对方不要来打扰自己。对方不要来打扰自己。15.A.returnB.turnC.appealD.see【解析解析】选选A。此处呼应第一段中。此处呼应第一段中Janice在父亲身边哭泣在父亲身边哭泣,作者怒视着作者怒视着Janice,以为她又会回

13、到以为她又会回到(return)父亲身边哭泣。父亲身边哭泣。16.A.darknessB.silenceC.restD.argument【解析解析】选选B。从前文。从前文However,she sat down where I was without saying anything.可知可知,我们什么话都没说我们什么话都没说,所以是沉默所以是沉默(silence)了一会儿。了一会儿。17.A.excuseB.experienceC.behaviorD.habit【解析解析】选选C。指的是对上文她的哭泣这种行为。指的是对上文她的哭泣这种行为(behavior)道歉。道歉。18.A.pulledB

14、.persuadedC.threwD.cleared【解析解析】选选B。结合后文。结合后文me away from the court可知可知Janice小心翼翼地站起来小心翼翼地站起来,把把作者从赛场上劝作者从赛场上劝(persuaded)开。其他选项不符合语境。开。其他选项不符合语境。19.A.checkB.signC.glanceD.contact【解析解析】选选D。结合后文。结合后文with her father可知作者和可知作者和Janice的父亲有了眼神接的父亲有了眼神接触。此处为短语触。此处为短语eye contact表示表示“眼神接触眼神接触,对视对视”。20.A.regret

15、B.hesitationC.inspirationD.preparation【解析解析】选选B。根据后文。根据后文I gave him a big smile and walked away,making sure that I had my head held high.可知作者毫不犹豫可知作者毫不犹豫(hesitation)给了给了Janice的父亲的父亲一个大大的微笑。一个大大的微笑。.语法填空语法填空People in Italy,where some medical supplies are running low due to the COVID-19 outbreak,have

16、expressed their 1._(appreciate)for Chinas help after a planeload of needed supplies arrived.These medical supplies,including masks,2._(deliver)to Italy a short time ago to help it deal with its growing crisis.“In this moment of stress,of great difficulty,we are 3._(deep)relieved to have this arrival of supplies.This is for sure a really important donation for Italy,4._ is fighting against the virus,”said the head of the Italian Red Cross.A team of nine 5._(competence)Chinese medical workers arri


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