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1、1.have译为译为“有,拥有有,拥有”时,它的疑问和否定形式时,它的疑问和否定形式有两种:有两种:(1)用助动词引导用助动词引导 (2)由由have本身引导本身引导e.g. I have a house in town.I havent (got) a house in town.I dont have a house in town.2.have译为译为“进行,从事进行,从事”时,和名词或名词短时,和名词或名词短语构成短语。它的疑问和否定形式只能由语构成短语。它的疑问和否定形式只能由助动词助动词引导引导。可以代替常用动词如:可以代替常用动词如:eat,enjoy,drink , take等

2、等e.g. 洗澡洗澡 have a bath 喝酒喝酒 have a drink 度假度假 have a holiday 看一下看一下 have a look 抽支烟抽支烟 have a cigarette 试一下试一下 have a try 休息一下休息一下have a break 谈一谈谈一谈 have a talk 3.have也可以直接作也可以直接作助词助词 (现在完成时现在完成时)e.g. I have been to Beijing for three years.Has Sam gone to New York?havebreakfast早餐早餐lunch午餐午餐brunch早中

3、餐早中餐supper晚饭晚饭dinner晚餐晚餐(较丰盛较丰盛) breakfast brekfst n.早饭 haircut hekt n.理发 party p:ti n.聚会 holiday hlidi n.假日 bathbath b: n.洗澡 nearlynearly nili ad.几乎,将近 readyready redi a.准备好的,完好的 dinnerdinner din n.正餐,晚餐 restaurantrestaurant restrnt n.饭馆,餐馆 roastroast rust a.烤的RevisionLesson 83 Going on holidayWher

4、e did you go on holiday?I went to the beach.Where did you go on holiday?I went to the zoo.Topics:suitcase suitcase n. 手提箱 /su:tkeis/ 西装西装,套装套装 case 箱子箱子,盒子盒子打包行李打包行李 pack the suitcase /pk/package n./ v.包裹,包装 n.小盒, 小袋 a packet of 一包 a packet of sweets 一包糖果The bus was packed with people. 公共汽车里挤满了人。cam

5、eraticketmoneycredit cardleave vv v. 离开,出发vThe train is going to leave in 5 minutes.v v. 舍弃;脱离vJohns wife left him for another man.v约翰的妻子舍他而去,投入另一个男子的怀抱。v v. 留给,遗留;委托vLeave it to me,he said. v “这事交给我来办吧,”他说道。vThe famous actress left all her money to charity.We need so many things.Look, What a !mess

6、n. 杂乱,凌乱的状态v mess mes n.杂乱,凌乱vpack pk v.包装,打包,装箱vsuitcase su:tkeis, sju:t n.手提箱v leave li:v v.离开v already :lredi ad.已经vLesson 83 Going on holiday度假 vCAROL: Hello, Sam. Come in.vTOM: Hi, Sam. Were having lunch.v Do you want to have lunch with us?vSAM: No, thank you. Tom.v Ive already had lunch. I had

7、 at half past twelve.vCAROL: Have a cup of coffee then.vSAM: Ive just had a cup, thank you.v I had one after my lunch.vTOM: Lets go into the living room, Carol.v We can have our coffee there.vCAROL: Excuse the mess, Sam.v This rooms very untidy.v Were packing our suitcases.v Were going to leave tomo

8、rrow.v Tom and I are going to have a holiday.vSAM: Arent you lucky!vTOM: When are you going to have a holiday, Sam?vSAM: I dont know.v Ive already had my holiday this year.vCAROL: Where did you go?vSAM: I stayed at home!ABCD1你们准备什么时候去度假2离开离开3刚刚4收拾行收拾行李李5我已经吃我已经吃过午饭了过午饭了屋子很乱屋子很乱请原谅请原谅已经已经到到.里里请进请进和我们

9、一起和我们一起吃午饭吃午饭你们真幸运你们真幸运烤牛肉烤牛肉土豆土豆E他在楼他在楼上上我快好我快好了了怎么了怎么了He a piece of pizzaat 5 oclock. He is full.Would you like a burger?No, thank you. I have (already) had dinner. I had a pizza at 5 oclock.我是5点钟吃的.No, thank you.I have (just) had a cup.我已经喝过一杯了.They had some ice-creams at 4 oclock.Would you like

10、some ice-creams?No, thanks. Ive had an ice-cream.I had an ice-cream at four oclock.I have had dinner.I have had a cup.I have had an ice-cream. I have had 我已经吃过/喝过/从事了I have had dinner.v否定形式:否定形式:vhasnt/havent + hasnt/havent + 动词的过去分词动词的过去分词v疑问形式:疑问形式:v把把 has/have has/have 提前提前vI have had dinner.v否:I

11、 havent had dinner.v疑:Have you had dinner?v肯:Yes,I have./ v 否:No,I havent.I have had my lunch. 否: I have not had my lunch. 问:Have you had your lunch? 答:Yes, I have. / No, I havent. 对划线部分提问:What have you had?我们通常这样缩写我们通常这样缩写:Grammar focus :NCE1. 谈论过去发生的事情,但是发生的时间谈论过去发生的事情,但是发生的时间不重要不重要.e.g. She has b

12、roken her arm. 她伤了她的胳膊她伤了她的胳膊.v一般现在完成时通常与表示不确定的时间副一般现在完成时通常与表示不确定的时间副词或短语连用词或短语连用v如如 just, already, before, never, ever, twice, three times等。等。4. 刚刚发生的事情刚刚发生的事情.NCE 4.刚刚发生的事情刚刚发生的事情现在完成时现在完成时VS一般过去时一般过去时1. + ed clean - cleaned2. + d arrive - arrived3. 辅音字母+y结尾的去y加ied empty - emptied4. AAA: putputput

13、 let-letlet ABA: comecamecome ABB: standstoodstood ABC: eat ateeaten AAA run-ran-run come-came-come become-became-become ABA原型原型过去式过去式过去分词过去分词例词例词-eep-ept-eptkeep, sweep, sleep-ell-old-old tell-d-t-tspend, send, build(建造建造)-ay-aid-aidsay,pay-n-nt-nt learn, mean-ee-e-e-meet-ought-oughtbring(带来带来), bu

14、y, think-aught-aughtcatch, teachABB(含规则动词含规则动词)have (has)-had-had leave-left-leftlose-lost-lost make-made-madefeel-felt-felt spell-spelt-spelt stand-stood-stoodsit-sat-sat win-won-wonhold-held-heldfind-found-found hear-heard-heardABB(含规则动词含规则动词)ABC原型原型过去式过去式过去分过去分词词例词例词-eak-oke-okenspeak-ear-ore-orn

15、wear-ow(aw)-ew-owngrow(种种,生长生长), know,throw, draw -i-a-u-swim, drink,sing, begin-i-o-ndrive, rise, writeABC take-took-taken give-gave-givenfall-fell-fallen eat-ate-eatenwrite-wrote-written speak-spoke-spoken forget-forgot-forgotten (forgot)特殊: am/is-was-been are-were-been,do (does)-did-done go-went-

16、gonesee-saw-seen Exercises:2. Harry Potter is a very nice film. I _it twice.A. will see B. have seen C. saw D. see3. Jim 已经喝了一杯牛奶了.Jim _ already had _cup _ milk.4.翻译;我妈妈已经喝过咖啡了.My mother has already had some coffee. Have some watermelons,please!I have already had/eaten some watermelons.57 Have some oranges please!Thanks, I have already had/eaten some oranges. Have some peaches please!Thanks, I have already had/eaten some one. Have some steak please!Thanks, I have already had/eaten some.Thanks, I


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