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1、考试题型 本考试分试卷一和试卷二。试卷一以客观试题为主;试卷二为主观试题。两卷满分为100分。试卷一占总分的65%,试卷二占总分的35%;达到总分的60%为及格。试卷二得分低于18者,不论试卷一得分多少,均为不及格。Part 1 Dialogue Communication 能用英语进行日常会话;对于生活、学习、工作中的常见英语会话,能理解会话的情景、说话人的意图和对话的含义;能适当进行交际;能正确理解英语口语中常见的习惯用法。 本部分共设10题,每题1分。考试时间为1015分钟。本部分包括一节或两节,每次考试设以下一种或两种题型。A节为完成到一段不完整的对话和用以完成这段对话的4个备选答案。

2、要求考生针对对话的内容从4个备选答案中先出一个最符合对话情景和口语交际习惯用法的答案,使整个对话能顺利完成。B节为对话理解,包括510题。在每一题中,考生将在试卷上读到一段对话和对话之后的问题,以及针对问题的4个备选答案。要求考生能理解对话的情景、说话人的意图和对话的含意,从所给的4个备选答案中选出一个最佳答案。1.A:Helen, you look great! You are much slimmer than last time I saw you. B: _ Actually Ive been on a diet and Ive been doing a keep-fit class

3、too.A. No, thanks. B. Well, yesC. Youre flattering me. D. Are you kidding?2.A: Im so sorry. I shouldnt have thrown your violin away. Why shouldnt you tell me its a birthday present from your Dad? B: _ What is done is done.A. No problem B. Dont worryC. Forget it D. That is fine3. M: That was an absol

4、ute delicious meal. Your cooking is always superb but this time you have excelled yourself. W:I am glad you enjoyed it. It is a recipe I havent tried before. Q:What does the man think of the womans cooking?A. It is as good as always.B. It is good enough for something new.C. It is good, but not as go

5、od as before.D. It is better than usual.Part 2 Vocabulary本部分共设2030题,每题0.5分。考试时间为1015分钟。本部分包括两节。A节包括1015题,形式为单句选择替换。要求考生对单句中带下划线的一个词或词组进行替换选择,即从所给的4个备选答案中选出一个最佳替换词或词组。B节包括1015题,形式为单句选择填空。要求考生根据句意从所给的4个备选答中选出最佳答案,填入空白处,使句子完整。词汇命题范围为本大纲所规定的约6220个单词和约600个词组。 1. Like flowers that have been waiting all wi

6、nter to blossom, tourists are eager to burst forth with their cameras.A. survive B. breeze C. revive D. bloom2. Researchers shows heavy coffee drinking is _ a small increase in blood pressure, but not enough to increase the risk for high blood pressure.A. associated with B. compared with C. attribut

7、ed to D. referred to Part 3 Reading Comprehension 本部分共设2530题,每题1分。考试时间为4050分钟。阅读理解的短文为56篇,每篇300400个单词,要求考生在理解短文的基础上从每题所给的4个备选取答案中选出一个最佳答案。 此部分要求考生能够综合运用英语语言知识和阅读技能, 读懂一般性题材的文章即科技文献;要求能抓住大意。读懂细节,能理解上下文的逻辑联系,并领会作者的意图和态度。 Part 4 Cloze 本部分共设1015题,每题1分。考试时间为1015分钟。本部分设两种题型,每次考试设其中一种题型。题型一:在一篇难度适中的短文中设置10

8、15个空白(设置10个空白的短文长度为200250个词,设置15个空白的短文长度为250300个词),每个空白为一题,要求考生从所给的4个备选答案中选出一个最佳答案。备选答案可以是单词,也可以是短语。 这一体型的特点在于它的综合性,也就是说,它对于考生的阅读能力、语法分析能力、词汇熟练掌握程度等都进行考察,具有相当难度。Part 5 Translation本部分包括英译汉和汉译英两节,共20分,每节10分。考试时间为30分钟。要求译文意思准确,文字通顺。A节为英译汉。本节设三种题型,每次考试设其中的一种题型。题型一:要求考生翻译5个单句,总长度为80100个英文单词。题型二:要求考生翻译一个段

9、落,段落长度为80100个英文单词。题型三:在一个较长的段落中,有5个带有下划线的句子,要求考生翻译这5个句子。5个句子的总长度为80100个英文单词。B节为汉译英。本节设两种题型,每次考试设其中一种题型。题型一:要求考生翻译5个单句,总长度为100120个汉字。题型二:要求考生翻译一个段落,段落长度为100120个汉字。 要求考生能把一般性题材的文章和科普文章中的句子或段落进行英汉互译。能够准确表达原文的意思,语句通顺,用词基本准确,无重大语言错误。英译汉的速度为每小时400个词,汉译英的速度为每小时250-300个汉字。Translate the following passage int

10、o Chinese Third-hand smoke is tobacco smoke contamination that lingers in carpets, clothes and other materials hours or even days after a cigarette is put out. According to a study, a large number of people, particularly smokers, have no idea that third-hand smoke is a health hazard for people. Of t

11、he 1,500 smokers and nonsmokers surveyed, the vast majority agreed that second-hand smoke is dangerous. But when asked whether they agreed with the statement, “breathing air in a room today where people smoked yesterday can harm your health,” only 65% of nonsmokers and 43% of smokers answered “yes.”

12、 所谓“三手烟”是指在香烟被熄灭的数小时甚至几天后,仍残留于地毯、衣服和其他物品上的烟雾等污染物。一项研究表明,很多人,尤其是烟民,并不知道“三手烟”会危害人体健康。在参与调查的1 500 名受访者(烟民及非烟民)中,大部分都知道“二手烟”对健康的危害。但是当被问及是否同意“昨天有人抽过烟的屋子里的空气会危害人们的健康”时,只有65%的非烟民和43%的烟民认同该说法。Translate the following passage into English 有朝一日我身为人母,我会带上孩子们去野营。我会让他们体验在篝火(campfire)上烧烤食物的乐趣。我会告诉他们,在草地上睡觉并不脏。我会让

13、他们知道,天上的星星不只是童话故事的素材,还有实际的用途,例如可以为迷路的人指引方向。这样的户外活动也是一种教育。 If ever I were a mother, I would bring my kid camping. I would get them to experience the fun of enjoying barbecue food over campfire. I would teach them that there were nothing dirty about sleeping on grass. I would also lead them to become

14、aware that twinkles in the sky are not only the materials of fairy tales but also of great practical uses. For instance, they give directions to the lost traveler. It is also a form of education to have such outdoor activities.Part 6 writing 本部分设1题,15分。考试时间为30分钟。要求考生在规定的时间内,按照题目要求用英语写出一篇不少于150个词的短文。

15、考试形式为根据提纲作文、看图作文、描述图表或根据一篇所给的文章写出内容提要或读后感等。 Directions: In this part, you are to write a composition of no less than 150 words under the title of “My Opinion About Blog”. Your composition should be based on the clues given below. Blog is an on-line diary that one keeps on his frequent updated person

16、al web page. Blog often reflects the personality and experiences of the author. 1. Introductory remarks 2. My opinion about blog: For or against, and reasons, Or what I think blog can do. 3. Conclusion.My Opinion About Blog Blog is an on-line diary that can record and express the authors feelings, experiences and stories. With the increasing popularity of the internet, blog also becomes more easily to be accepted. It is indeed a good means worth recommending in modern life. There are several rea


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