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1、全国国际商务英语考试全国国际商务英语考试( (一级一级) )口试操作说明口试操作说明n1. 每个考试点需设立备考室和考场每个考试点需设立备考室和考场N间(间(N=考试点考生总考试点考生总人数人数/30)。备考室和考场的布局如下图所示:(其中候)。备考室和考场的布局如下图所示:(其中候考点设在考场门外考点设在考场门外) 一、考场布置及工作人员安排一、考场布置及工作人员安排第第01备考室备考室(导考员(导考员2名)名)(学生(学生30名)名)候考点候考点01(助理(助理1名)名)第第01考场考场(考官(考官2名)名)第第02备考室备考室(导考员(导考员2名)名)(学生(学生30名)名)第第03备考

2、室备考室(导考员(导考员2名)名)(学生(学生30名)名)第第02考场考场(考官(考官2名)名)第第03考场考场(考官(考官2名)名)候考点候考点02(助理(助理1名)名)候考点候考点03(助理(助理1名)名)走走 廊廊一、考场布置及工作人员安排一、考场布置及工作人员安排n2. 每两名考生为一组, 每个考场接纳15组学生考试。n3. 每个备考室安排导考员2名,每个考场安排考官2名和考官助理1名。一、考场布置及工作人员安排一、考场布置及工作人员安排n4. 各工作人员的职责如下:n1) 导考员:2名导考员负责检查考生证件,将考官评分卡发给考生,并按照准考证号顺序将考生分组,其中一名导考员每隔8分钟

3、引领一组考生到候考点。n2) 考官助理:助理负责让考生抽取Section A 和Section B 的试题,将考生准备的时间控制在2分钟内。n3) 考官:考官甲负责提问,考官乙负责控制考试时间。一、考场布置及工作人员安排一、考场布置及工作人员安排n5. 各工作人员需配备以下考试用品:n1)导考员:笔、考官评分卡(每位考生两张)、口语考试考场规则、口语考试考生名册,备考室内需装时钟;n2) 考官助理:笔、五套Section A和Section B(题号)的学生试题,秒表;n3) 考官甲:笔、五套Section C的学生试题、五套完整的考官试题和参考答案、口试成绩报告单;n4) 考官乙:笔、五套完

4、整的考官试题和参考答案、秒表;二、考试时间安排二、考试时间安排n1. 口语考试时间为周六下午14:00-17:30。考试分为两个阶段进行。第一阶段为14:00-15:40;第二阶段为16:00-17:30 。n2. 考生须提前15分钟进入备考室,即参加第一阶段考试的考生须于13:45前进入备考室;参加第二阶段考试的考生须于15:45进入备考室。n3. 每组学生的考试时间约为12 分钟。二、考试时间安排二、考试时间安排n4具体时间安排如下表所示:n 14:0015:40: 第一阶段8组考生进行 口试(考(考96分钟)分钟)。考官准备5套试题。n 15:50-16:00: 考官休息n 16:001

5、7:30: 第二阶段7组考生进行口试(考(考84分钟)分钟)。考官准备5套试题。三、注意事项三、注意事项n1. 导考员导考员n导考员需仔细核对考生证件,严防考生代考等违纪行为;n导考员分批安排考生到侯考点, 务必严格维持秩序.三、注意事项三、注意事项n2. 考官助理考官助理n助理需严格控制时间,及时提醒学生进出考场.n助理在考生备考时,不得回答任何与考题相关的问题.三、注意事项三、注意事项n3. 考官考官n考官需严格掌握考生的备考和考试时间,如果考生在规定时间内未完成考试,示意其停止.n两位考官在考生答题的同时进行评分.n两位考官的角色可以轮换.四、录像中三组学生的考题四、录像中三组学生的考题

6、n第一组n第四组n第五组第一组考生甲 Section A How do we select different types of transport in foreign trade? n by sean by airn by rail第一组考生甲 Section CSituation: Mr./Ms. Peterson and Mr/Ms. Wang are talking about terms of payment for Order No. 061030.You are:nMr./Ms. Peterson, the buyer of Dantell CompanynYou sugges

7、t adopting D/P at sight.nYour exchange quota is rather limited. nYou hope the Mr./Ms. Peterson makes an exception and accepts D/P at sight.nYou suggest adopting 50% by L/C at sight and 50% by D/P at sight.第一组考生乙 Section A What can we do to make a successful business negotiation?n To set up your goal

8、s n To communicate your own strengths honestly n To pick up the right moment for arguments 第一组考生乙 Section CSituation: Mr./Ms. Peterson and Mr/Ms. Wang are talking about terms of payment for Order No. 061030.You are:nMr./Ms. Wang, the seller of Benteng CompanynYou usually require confirmed, irrevocab

9、le L/C at sight.n L/C at sight is the normal term of international business.n The international monetary market is uncertain recently.n As a special sign of encouragement, youll accept Mr./Ms. Peterson suggestion once only.第四组考生甲 Section A What can we do to make a successful business negotiation?n T

10、o set up your goals n To communicate your own strengths honestly n To pick up the right moment for arguments 第四组考生甲 Section CSituation: Mr./Ms. Du and Mr./Ms. Finn are talking about the quality problem of some machines for Order NO. 061105 on the phone.You are:nMr./Ms. Du, the buyer of Xufei Company

11、nPaint on some machines has fallen off;nYouve got the inspection certificate;nThe inspection experts viewed that it was caused by careless painting;nYou will wait for the investigation result of Mr./Ms. Finn. 第四组考生乙 Section A What influences consumer buying behavior?n Culturen Peoples social classn

12、Marketing and advertising 第四组考生乙 Section CSituation: Mr./Ms. Finn and Mr./Ms. Du are talking about the quality problem of some machines for Order NO. 061105 on the phone.You are:nMr./Ms. Finn, the seller of Switch Machinery.n You apologize for the problem; You ask whether Mr./Ms. Du had any proof;n

13、You wonder whether the problem was caused during transportation;n You promise to make a quick investigation on the matter.第五组考生甲 Section A What influences consumer buying behavior?n Culturen Peoples social classn Marketing and advertising 第五组考生甲: Section CSituation: Ms./Mr. Ford and Ms./Mr. Yang are

14、 talking about the shipment of Order No. 061029You are: nMs./Mr. Ford, the buyer of Lungston CompanynThings are changing. nThe order is urgently needed, because your retailers have asked for advanced delivery.nYou ask Mr./Ms. Yang to effect shipment 10 days in advance.nYou ask the possibility for ad

15、vanced shipment.nYou agree to transshipment via Hong Kong. 第五组考生乙 Section A How do we select different types of transport in foreign trade? n by sean by airn by rail 第五组考生乙 Section CSituation: Ms./Mr. Black and Ms./Mr. Zhao are talking about the shipment of Order No. 061029.You are:nMs./Mr.Yang, the

16、 seller of Pengfei CompanynYou ask what the matter is.nIts difficult to effect shipment 10 days in advance. nThe earliest shipment will be on July 5, 6 days later.nYou suggest transshipping via Hong Kong. The goods can be received much earlier.nYoull arrange transshipment. Thank You !Thank You !The End.The End.


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