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1、学习指导学习指导 电子商务在现代生活中的位置越来越重要,它的出现不仅为企业提供了创造效益的平台,而且也极大的方便了用户的使用,逐渐成为商务活动中占主导位置的形式。随着计算机及通信技术的发展,为电子商务发展提供了更加广阔的空间。本章主要介绍了以下内容:什么是电子商务电子商务的类型电子商务的发展com的繁荣、破灭和重生电子商务的优势电子商务的劣势1.1 Electronic Commerce and Electronic Business To many people, the term electronic commerce means shopping on the part of the I

2、nternet. However, electronic commerce (or e-commerce) also includes many other activities, such as businesses trading with other businesses and internal processes that companies use to support their buying, selling, hiring, planning, and other activities. Some people use the term electronic business

3、 (or e-business) when they aretalking about electronic commerce in this broader sense. For example, IBM defines electronic business as the transformation of key business processes through the use of Internet technologies. Most people use the terms electronic commerce and electronic business intercha

4、ngeably. In this book, the term electronic commerce (or e-commerce) is used in its broadest sense and includes all business activities conducted using electronic data transmission technologies. The most common technology used is the Internet, but other technologies, such as wireless transmissions on

5、 mobile telephone and personal digital assistant (PDA) devices, are also included.1.2 Categories of Electronic CommerceSome people find it useful to categorize electronic commerce by the types of entities participating in the transactions or business processes. The five general electronic commerce c

6、ategories are business-to-consumer, business-to-business, business processes, consumer-to-consumer, and business-to-government. The three categories that are most commonly used are: Consumer shopping on the Web, often called business-to-consumer (or B2C) Transactions conducted between businesses on

7、the Web, often called business-to-business(or B2B) Transactions and business processes that companies, governments, and other organizations undertake on the Internet to support selling and purchasing activities. To understand these categories better, consider a company that manufactures stereo speak

8、ers. The companymight sell its finished product to consumers on the Web, which would be B2C electronic commerce. It might also purchase the materials it uses to make the speakers from other companies on the Web, which would be B2B electronic commerce. Businesses often have entire departments devoted

9、 to negotiating purchase transactions with their suppliers. These departments are usually named supply management or procurement. Thus, B2B electronic commerce is sometimes called e-procurement. In addition to buying materials and selling speakers, the company must also undertake many other activiti

10、es to convert the purchased materials into speakers. These activities might include hiring and managing the people who make the speakers, renting or buying the facilities in which the speakers are made and stored, shipping the speakers, maintaining accounting records, purchasing insurance, developin

11、g advertising campaigns, and designing new versions of the speakers. An increasing number of these transactions and business processes can be done on the Web. Manufacturing processes (such as the fabrication of the speakers) can be controlled using Internet technologies within the business. All of t

12、hese communication, control, and transaction-related activities have become important parts of electronic commerce. Some people include these activities in the B2B category; others refer to them as underlying or supporting business processes.figure 1-1 Elements of Electronic Commerce Figure 1-1 show

13、s the three main elements of electronic commerce. The figure presents a rough approximation of the relative sizes of these elements. In terms of dollar volume and number of transactions, B2B electronic commerce is much greater than B2C electronic commerce. However, the number of supporting business

14、processes is greater than that of B2C and B2B transactions combined. The large oval in Figure 1-1 that represents the business processes that support selling and purchasing activities is the largest element of electronic commerce. Some researchers define a fourth category of electronic commerce, cal

15、led consumer- to-consumer (or C2C), which includes individuals who buy and sell items among themselves. For example, C2C electronic commerce occurs when a person sells an item through a Web auction site to another person. In this book, C2C sales are included in the B2C category because the person se

16、lling the item acts much as a business would for purposes of the transaction. Finally, some researchers also define a category of electronic commerce as business-to-government (or B2G). This category includes businesstransactions with government agencies, such as paying taxes and filing required reports. An increasing number of states have Web sites that help companies do business with state government agencies. For example, the CAL-Buy site makes it easy for businesses to conduct online transac


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