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1、p1Chapter 1 Engineering ProjectChapter 1p2Conversation1. How many phases does a project cover?The execution of it can be usually divided into some basic stages, like engineering, procurement and transportation, and field construction. 一个工程项目的实施通常可分为几个基本阶段: 工程设计、采购和运输、以及现场施工。2.Please give a descripti

2、on about this project.请对这个工程项目作一个叙述说明。3.Who is the contractor?The contractor is Toyo EngineeringCorporation (TEC) of Japan.Chapter 1p3承包商是日本的东洋工程公司。(简称TEC)4.It is an inquiry (commercial and technical proposal, approval, agreement ,protocol, annex, technical appendix) about this project.这是这个项目的询价书。(商

3、务和技术报价书、批准书、协议、会议记录、附加条件、技术附件)5.Who makes up the project team?The project team normally consists of project engineer, design engineer, schedule engineer, and various specialists.项目工作组通常包括有项目工程师、设计工程师、计划工程师、以及各类专家。6.How can we evaluate the results of field constructionWe can evaluate the results of f

4、ield construction by four criteria, which are quality, time, cost and safety.Chapter 1p4我们可以通过四个指标来评价现场施工的成绩,即质量、时间进度、费用和安全。7.What are you responsible for?8.I am responsible for the technical (scheduling, inspection, quality control) work of this project.我负责这个项目的技术(技术、检查、质量控制)工作。9.Would you tell us

5、the technical characteristic about this project?你能告诉我们有关这个工程项目的技术特性吗?Certainly!10. Do you have any reference materials about this project?你有关于这个工程项目有参考资料吗?Yes, here you are.Chapter 1p5TextFramework of Civil EngineeringIntroductionGenerally,engineering is the application of economic, social, and scie

6、ntific practical knowledge to design, build, and maintain structures, machines, devices, systems, materials and processes. Basically, engineering is an end-product-oriented discipline that is very broad, innovative, cost-conscious and mindful of human factors and includes various more specialized fi

7、elds of engineering, each with a more specific emphasis on particular areas of technology and types of application. 土木工程框架介绍一般而言, 工程学是应用经济、社会和科学的实用知识来设计、建造和维护结构、机器、设备、系统、材料和过程。基本上, 工程学是一个面向最终产品的学科, 它非常广泛, 创新, 成本意识和考虑到人的因素, 包括各种更专业的工程领域, 每一个更具体地强调特定领域的技术和应用类型。Chapter 1Civil engineering is one of the

8、most diverse branches of engineering. The civil engineer plans, designs, constructs, and maintains a large variety of structures and facilities for public, private, commercial and industrial use. These structures include residential, office, factory buildings; and infrastructure, for example, airpor

9、ts, roads, railways, water supply and treatment etc.), bridges, dams, and buildings.土木工程是工程中最多样化的分支之一。土木工程师计划、设计、建造和维护大量的公共、私人、商业和工业用途的结构和设施。这些结构包括住宅、办公室、工厂建筑;和基础设施, 例如, 机场, 公路, 铁路, 供水和处理等), 桥梁, 水坝和建筑物。p6p7The term “civil engineer” did not come into use until about 1750, when John Smeaton, the build

10、er of famous Eddystone lighthouse near Plymouth, England, is said to have begun calling himself a “civil engineer” to differ himself from the military engineers of his time. However, the profession is as old as civilization.Eddystone Lighthouse土木工程师 一词直到1750才开始使用, 当时英国普利茅斯附近著名的 Eddystone 灯塔的建造者约翰. 斯

11、米顿据说已经开始自称 土木工程师, 与他当时的军事工程师不同。然而, 这个行业和文明一样古老。Eddystone 灯塔Chapter 1The engineering marvels of the world, starting from the pyramids to todays thin shell structures, are the results of the development in civil engineering. Communication lines like roads, railways, bridges, etc. without which develop

12、ment is impossible, are fruits of civil engineers work. Various functions of a civil engineer are listed below. 从金字塔到今天的薄壳结构, 世界工程奇迹是土木工程发展的结果。如道路、铁路、桥梁等通信线路没有发展是不可能的, 是土木工程师工作的成果。下面列出了土木工程师的各种功能。p8p9InvestigationThe first function of a civil engineer is to collect the necessary data that is require

13、d before planning a project. 调查土木工程师的第一个功能是收集计划项目前所需的数据。SurveyingThe objective of surveying is to prepare maps and plans to locate the various structures of a project on the surface of earth.测量勘测的目的是准备地图和计划在地球表面寻找项目的各种各样的结构。Chapter 1p10PlanningDepending on the results obtained from investigation and

14、 surveying, a civil engineer should prepare the necessary drawing for the project in terms of capacity, size and location of its various components. On the basis of this drawing, a necessary estimate should be worked out.规划土木工程师应根据调查和测量所得的结果, 在其各部件的容量、尺寸和位置方面, 为项目准备必要的图纸。在这幅图画的基础上, 应该制定出一个必要的估计。Chap

15、ter 1DesignAfter planning, the safe dimension of the components required is worked out. With this dimension a detailed drawing is prepared for various components and also for the whole structure and a detailed estimate is also calculated. 设计经过规划, 制定了所需部件的安全尺寸。利用此维度, 为各种部件以及整个结构准备了详细的图纸, 并计算了详细的估计值。p

16、11ExecutionThis function deals with the preparation of schedules for construction activities, finalization of contracts, supervision of construction work, preparation of bills and maintenance. 执行本职能涉及编制施工活动进度表、合同定稿、施工监理、帐单编制和维修等工作。p12p13Research and developmentA civil engineer needs to get involved in research and development to obtain profits and to improve the efficiency to the present and future needs. 研究与开发土木工程师需要参与研究和开发, 以获取利润, 提高效率, 以满足目前和未来的需要。Chapter 1Sub-disciplines of Civil Engineering


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