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1、Chapter 1 A brief introduction to international trade International trade, also called world trade, foreign trade or overseas trade, is the fair and deliberate exchange ofgoods and / or services across national boundaries.Definition (P1)Section One Reasons for international trade (从事国际贸易的动机从事国际贸易的动机

2、) 1 Resource Acquisition (寻求资源寻求资源) 2 Benefits Acquisition (追求利润追求利润) 3 Diversification (多种经营多种经营) 4 Expand sales(扩大销售)(扩大销售) 5.International balance of payments (国际收支平衡国际收支平衡)1. Resource Acquisition (寻求资源寻求资源) Resource distribution around the world is uneven. No nation has all the economic resource

3、s it needs. Countries that do not have these resources within their own boundaries must buy them other countries . Natural resources : mineral, water, weather, soil, forest, etc.Social resources: labor force, skills technology, equipments What are resources?2. Benefits Acquisition (追求利润追求利润) A count

4、ry can benefits more by producing goods it can make most cheaply and buying those goods that other countries can make at a lower cost . Theory of Comparative advantage 比较优势理论比较优势理论 Or: Comparative cost theory 比较成本理论比较成本理论(by Adam Smith, David Ricardo, John Stuart and other economists in the 19th cen

5、tury)Question: Do you think every country can produce the same type of product at the same cost? Fact: Some countries has no absolute advantage in producing any product. Question: Can these countries make profits by doing business with those who has absolute advantage? Americans have an absolute adv

6、antage in producing both cars and computers. Using three units of PR (productive resource) to produce 1,000 computers in the United States requires sacrificing the production of 150 cars. Using three units of PR to produce 1,000 computers in Brazil requires sacrificing only 100 cars. Conclusion: Bra

7、zilians have a comparative advantage in producing computers. Conclusion for point 2 (P3) As long as there is minor differences in the efficiency of producing a commodity, even the poor countries have a comparative advantage in producing it. Therefore, the country can specialize in the particular pro

8、ducts and to mass-produce. 3. Diversification 多样经营多样经营 4.Sales Expansion 扩大销售扩大销售 Sales are limited by 1) the number of consumer 2) the capacity of purchase of consumer5. International balance of payments 国际收支平衡国际收支平衡 (P4) BOP- balance of payment BOP account 收支平衡账户 BOP sheet 收支平衡表Balance of payment

9、The international balance of payment is the difference between money coming into a country and money going out of the country. A favorable balance of payment (国际收支顺国际收支顺 差差) means more money is flowing into a country. An unfavorable balance of payment(国际收(国际收支逆差)支逆差) means more money is flowing out

10、of a country.Other reasons 1)Satisfying a large domestic demand 满足国内大量需求满足国内大量需求 2)Preference for innovation and style 对创新和款式的追求对创新和款式的追求 3) For political reasons 政治原因政治原因ProblemsCulture Differences文化差异文化差异Monetary Conversion货币兑换货币兑换Trade Barriers贸易壁垒贸易壁垒Section Two Problems Concerning International

11、 Trade1. Cultural differences 文化差异问题文化差异问题 In international trade, business people must pay close attention to different local customs and Business norms (商业准则商业准则). 2. Money Conversion 货币兑换问题货币兑换问题 (fluctuation in exchange rate)French francs(法郎法郎) US dollars(美元美元)British pounds(英镑英镑) Deutsche Mark(

12、马克马克)Japanese yen(日元日元) Danish krone(克朗克朗)Euro (欧元欧元) 3. Trade Barriers (贸易壁垒)(贸易壁垒) Is there a completely free trading system in any country?Trade policies come in many forms -tariffs or subsidies, quantitative restriction or encouragements on imported or exported goods, services and assets.Trade B

13、arriers (贸易壁垒)(贸易壁垒) 1)Tariff barriers 关税壁关税壁垒垒 2)Non-tariff Barriers - NTBs 非关税壁垒非关税壁垒Reasons for trade barriers P61) Tariff barriers 关税壁垒关税壁垒 Tariffs or import tariffs(进口关税进口关税)are taxes levied on goods or services being imported into the country. These tariffs can be of two types: 1) Protective T

14、ariff 保护关税保护关税 2) Revenue Tariff 财政关税财政关税 1. 按商品移动的方向按商品移动的方向 1)Export 2) ImportSection Three Forms of International Trade (国际贸易形式国际贸易形式)2. 按商品的形态按商品的形态 1) Tangible (visible) trade Merchandise Exports and Imports ( 商品进出口商品进出口) 2) Intangible (invisible) trade service, knowledge and skills, invisible

15、assets, such as patent, trade mark, copyright etc. Section Three Forms of International Trade (国际贸易形式国际贸易形式) 1 Merchandise Exports and Imports (商品商品进出口进出口) 1) Exporting(商品出口商品出口) (1) Direct exporting(直接出口直接出口) (2) Indirect exporting(间接出口间接出口) 2) Importing (商品进口商品进口) 2 Service Exports and Imports (劳务

16、进出口劳务进出口) 1) Travel, Tourism, and Transportation (旅游业、交通运输业旅游业、交通运输业) 2) Performance of Activities Abroad (国外商务活动国外商务活动) 3) Use of Assets From Abroad (国外资产的运用国外资产的运用) Chapter 1 A brief introduction to international trade 3 Licensing (许可证贸易许可证贸易) 4 Trading Companies (贸易公司贸易公司) 5 Joint Ventures (合资企业合资企业)6 Investment 1) Direct Investments (直接投资直接投资) 2) Portfolio Investments (间接投资间接投资) 7 Visible and Invisible Trade (有形贸易和(有形贸易和无形贸易)无形贸易) Chapter 1 A brief introduction to international trade Section


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