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1、现代分子生物学导论现代分子生物学导论 生物学三大基石生物学三大基石 细胞学说细胞学说 进化论进化论 基因论基因论现代分子生物学现代分子生物学遗传中心法则与组学遗传中心法则与组学 遗传信息传递的基本规律遗传信息传递的基本规律分子生物学研究内容分子生物学研究内容生物大分子结构与功能生物大分子结构与功能生物大分子的相互作用生物大分子的相互作用 分子生物研究技术分子生物研究技术蛋白质、核酸分析技术蛋白质、核酸分析技术蛋白质蛋白质- -蛋白质相互作用蛋白质相互作用蛋白质蛋白质- -核酸相互作用核酸相互作用工具酶的应用工具酶的应用生物信息学生物信息学核酸、蛋白质数据库核酸、蛋白质数据库遗传中心法则遗传中心

2、法则 基因信息的流向、基因表达的环节基因信息的流向、基因表达的环节与调控的不同水平;与调控的不同水平; DNA所占的中心位置;所占的中心位置; RNA是信息表达的体现;是信息表达的体现; 蛋白质执行生物学功能。蛋白质执行生物学功能。 基因工程的基本原理基因工程的基本原理! 生命的起源?生命的起源? Genome(cells repertoire of DNA)Transcriptome(cells repertoire of RNA transcripts)Proteome(cells repertoire of proteins)单个基因单个基因单个细胞单个细胞中心法则中心法则组学基因组、转

3、录组、蛋白质组、代谢组之间的关系基因组、转录组、蛋白质组、代谢组之间的关系 基因组学是基础、基因组学是基础、转录组学是信息、转录组学是信息、蛋白质组学是功能、蛋白质组学是功能、代谢组学是结果。代谢组学是结果。7关于关于RNARNA1961年年, 发现发现DNA依赖的依赖的RNA聚合酶聚合酶1968年年, 提出提出RNA是最早的信息分子是最早的信息分子19821983年年, 发现核酶发现核酶 1986年年, 提出提出“RNA world”1947年年, RNA第一次被描述第一次被描述1968年年, 提出中心法则提出中心法则2121世纪分子医学发展的主要领域世纪分子医学发展的主要领域 分子诊断 基

4、因治疗 生物工程药物分子生物学研究的重要领域举例分子生物学研究的重要领域举例 遗传中心法则遗传中心法则 基因表达调控基因表达调控 细胞信号转导细胞信号转导 (均涉及生物大分子的相互作用)(均涉及生物大分子的相互作用)附:科学家附:科学家The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1910in recognition of the contributions to our knowledge of cell chemistry made through his work on proteins, including the nucleic substanc

5、esAlbrecht Kossel Germany University of Heidelberg Heidelberg, Germanyb. 1853d. 1927The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1902in recognition of the extraordinary services he has rendered by his work on sugar and purine synthesesHermann Emil Fischer Germany Berlin University Berlin, Germanyb. 1852d. 1919 The

6、Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1962for their studies of the structures of globular proteinsMax Ferdinand PerutzMRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology Cambridge, United Kingdom John Cowdery KendrewMRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology Cambridge, United Kingdom The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1970for his discovery

7、of sugar nucleotides and their role in the biosynthesis of carbohydratesLuis F. Leloir Argentina Institute for Biochemical Research Buenos Aires, Argentina b. 1906d. 1987Linus Pauling Linus Pauling (1901-1994) was one of the first quantum chemists and was awarded the Nobel Prize for describing the n

8、ature of chemical bonds.Frederick Sanger Portrait of Frederick Sanger (b.1918), British biochemist and double Nobel Laureate. Sanger was educated at Cambridge, gaining his doctorate in 1943. In 1951 he started work at the Medical Research Council, and in 1955 he published the complete amino acid seq

9、uence of bovine insulin, the first protein to be sequenced. This won Sanger his first Nobel, the 1958 Prize for Chemistry. Building on this, Sanger pioneered new methods of establishing base sequences in DNA using restriction enzymes. In 1977, he and his team published a DNA base sequence for the vi

10、rus Phi X 174. This work led to Sanger sharing the 1980 Nobel Prize for Chemistry. Photo taken in 1992.The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1958for his work on the structure of proteins, especially that of insulinFrederick Sanger United Kingdom University of Cambridge Cambridge, United Kingdomb. 1918The Nob

11、el Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1972for their discoveries concerning the chemical structure of antibodiesGerald M. EdelmanRockefeller University New York, NY, USA Rodney R. PorterUniversity of Oxford Oxford, United Kingdom The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1987for his discovery of the gen

12、etic principle for generation of antibody diversity Susumu Tonegawa Japan Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Cambridge, MA, USAThe Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1972for his work on ribonuclease, especially concerning the connection between the amino acid sequence and the biologically active conf

13、ormationfor their contribution to the understanding of the connection between chemical structure and catalytic activity of the active centre of the ribonuclease moleculeChristian B. Anfinsen Stanford Moore William H. SteinThe Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1902in recognition of the extraordinary services

14、he has rendered by his work on sugar and purine synthesesHermann Emil Fischer Germany Berlin University Berlin, Germanyb. 1852d. 1919 Watson and Crick The discoverers of the structure of DNA. James Watson (b. 1928) at left and Francis Crick (1916-2004), with their model of part of a DNA molecule in

15、1953. Crick & Watson met at the Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge, in 1951. Their work on the structure of DNA was performed with a knowledge of Chargaffs ratios of the bases in DNA and some access to the X-ray crystallography of Maurice Wilkins and Rosalind Franklin at Kings College London. Combining

16、 all of this work led to the deduction that DNA exists as a double helix. Crick, Watson and Wilkins shared the 1962 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine, Franklin having died of cancer in 1958. COMMERCIAL USE REQUIRES CLEARANCE.The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1962for their discoveries concerning the molecular structure of nucleic acids and its significance for information transfer in living materialFrancis Harry Compton Crick James Dewey Watson Maurice Hugh Frederick WilkinsFrancis C


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