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1、大学英语四级写作技巧大学英语四级写作技巧一写作的目的及要求一写作的目的及要求二、评分原则二、评分原则 三、四级短文写作三、四级短文写作目的:测试学生用英语书面表达思想的能 力,能够直接有效地测出考生综合 运用语言的能力,较准确地反映考 生的英语水平。一写作的目的及要求一写作的目的及要求要求: 大学英语作文测试要求考生能够运用 学到的语言知识,按规矩的题目要 求,在30分钟内写出一篇120个词左右 的短文,语义连贯,表达正确,无重 大语法错误。题目的内容包括科技, 社会,文化,或日常生活等方面的一 般常识。题目形式多种多样,有提纲 作文,段首句作文,关键词作文,图 表作文,书信作文,和规定情景作

2、文 等。 1.四级作文题采用总体评分总体评分方法。阅卷人员就总的印象给出奖励分,而不是按语言点的错误数目扣分。 2.从内容和语言两个方面对作文进行综从内容和语言两个方面对作文进行综合评判合评判。内容和语言是一个统一体。作文应表达题目所规定的内容,而内容要通过语言来表达。要考虑作文是否切题,是否充分表达思想,也要考虑是否用英语清楚而适切的表达思想,也就是要考虑语言上的错误是否造成理解上的障碍。 二二. . 评分原则评分原则 考生要有较坚实的语言功底,具有一定的英语短文的写作知识,而且也要具备一定的写作技巧。下面,我们拟就段落写作、书信段落写作、书信写作、图标写作写作、图标写作三方面讲解四级短文写

3、作。三、四级短文写作三、四级短文写作段落写作段落写作一段落的组成一段落的组成 段落大多由三个部分组成: 主题句(Topic sentence); 扩展句(Developing sentences); 结尾句(Ending sentence). 1. 1.主题句主题句 主题句表明全段是关于什么及讨论什么的段落中心句,即:明确地表示全段要展开的中心点,四级短文写作中最好是把主题句放在段首 。 E.g. Smoking is harmful to peoples health. E.g. Smoking is harmful to peoples health. Medical science ha

4、s now proved that smoking can cause lung cancer and other diseases such as emphysema. Your chances of having a heart attack also increase the more you smoke. Smoking is definitely a health hazard. 2.扩展句扩展句扩展句是用来说明,解释,引申,或论证主题句所表达的中心思想的句子。 It is not difficult to make a right choice between buying a h

5、ouse in the low-rise area and buying one in the high-rise area (主题句).If we want to economize and get more personal area, we can choose the low-rise; but if we want to live more comfortably, we will choose the high-rise (扩展句). In a word, the key lies in the alternative of economy and comfort (结尾句). 3

6、.3.结尾句结尾句 结尾句是用一句话对段落的主题进行重述,评论,或总结,借以强化主题,加深读者的印象. English is favored on the following grounds. It is the official language of a number of countries. Of other countries, it is their second language. In still others, English is spoken as their major foreign language. Thats why English is so popular

7、in our present world. 二二. . 段落的基本特征段落的基本特征要写好段落就要清楚段落应具有的基本特征,即 统一性(unity), 连贯性(coherence), 简洁性(conciseness), 重点突出(emphasis), 用字遣句有变换(variety)1. 1.段落的统一性段落的统一性一个段落只有一个主题。组成该段落的所有一个段落只有一个主题。组成该段落的所有句子都应为这个主题服务。任何与主题无关句子都应为这个主题服务。任何与主题无关的内容,任何不能支持段落主题的内容都必的内容,任何不能支持段落主题的内容都必须舍弃。例如:须舍弃。例如: Autumn is a

8、good season for picnicAutumn is a good season for picnic. The . The weather is fine and it is not as hot as it is in weather is fine and it is not as hot as it is in the summer. People feel cool and the summer. People feel cool and comfortable. The scenery is very beautiful comfortable. The scenery

9、is very beautiful with all kinds of flowers here and there.with all kinds of flowers here and there. And And there are various kinds of fruits. The there are various kinds of fruits. The peasants begin to gather in crops and fruits.peasants begin to gather in crops and fruits.修改后的段落为:修改后的段落为: Autumn

10、 is a good season for picnic. It is easy for people to choose a fine day for an outing because the weather is always nice, neither too hot nor too cold. The scenery is beautiful,too. The red leaves covering the mountains, the wild flowers booming in the fields and colorful fruits hanging on the tree

11、s are all pleasant to look at. A picnic in the open air in autumn will certainly be enjoyed by everyone.2.2.段落的连贯性段落的连贯性 一个段落除了内容统一一个段落除了内容统一, , 意思完整之外意思完整之外, , 句句与句之间还必须按一个清晰与句之间还必须按一个清晰, , 合乎逻辑的顺合乎逻辑的顺序安排内容序安排内容, , 转折自然转折自然, ,结构紧凑结构紧凑. . Since she lost her weight, Carole has changed her image. She

12、 no longer wears dark-colored clothes. In fact, she often wears red, pink, and even bright orange. In addition to wearing bright clothes, she has lighted the color of her hair. From mousy brown, she has progressed to sun-streaked blonde. 三三. .段落内外的衔接过渡段落内外的衔接过渡 为确保段落内容的连贯性,除了内容安排为确保段落内容的连贯性,除了内容安排要符

13、合一定的顺序外,句子与句子之间还要符合一定的顺序外,句子与句子之间还应使用过渡句型或者是连接语。应使用过渡句型或者是连接语。 例一:(1)To develop tourism has advantages. Tourism helps develop a nations commerce and contribute to one nations economy. Tourism provides jobs for many people and helps us solve or ease the social problem of unemployment. Tourism helps i

14、ncrease understanding between peoples and helps people learn about different cultures of the world. 上段无连接词语,实质是一堆简单句的拼凑,读起来枯燥乏味。 (2) To develop tourism has many advantages. In the first place, tourism helps develop a nations commerce and contribute to one nations economy. In the second place, touris

15、m provides jobs for many people and helps us solve or ease the social problem of unemployment. Third, tourism helps increase understanding between peoples and helps people learn about different cultures of the world. 上段虽然也是由简单的句子组成,但由于有效使用了连接词语,并不给人留下简单的印象; 相反,读者通过连接词语,正确地了解到作者所陈述的many advantages的具体

16、内容。作文常用句式和过渡连接词作文常用句式和过渡连接词 A proverb says It is easy to see that As the proverb says The pie graph shows Some people say that No one can deny that Many people believe that As we all know that It is quite clear that Various views exist as to, but There is much discussion about / attention to 扩展段的过渡性词语或常用句式扩展段的过渡性词语或常用句式Clearly, However, Obviously, Similarly,Moreover, Likewise, In addition to ,Meanwhile, In contrast to, In principle, First, second, Third, FinallyLast but not the least, Not only b


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