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1、初中宾语从句练习题及答案忑推荐答案I.从下列A、B、C、D中选择一个正确选项填空。1. IdontknowheW川cometomorrow._hecomeS,lltellyou.A.if;WhetherB.whether;WhetherC.if;ThatD.if;If2. Idontknowthedayaftertomorrow.A.whendoeshecomeB.howwi11hecomeC.ifhecomesD.whetherhellcome3. .Cou1dyouteIlmethenearesthospitalis?A.whatB.howC.whetherD.where4. CouIdy

2、outeIlmetheradiowithoutanyheIp?A. how d i d h e mendB. what did he men dC. how h e me nd e dD. what h emended5. IwanttoknowB. whom s heA.whomisshelookingafterisIookingC.whomisshe1ookingD.whomsheisIookingafter6. Doyouknowwherenow?A.he1ivesB.doesheliveC.helivedD.didhelive7. Doyouknowwhattime?A.thetrai

3、nIeaveB.doesthetrain1eaveC.WillthetrainleaveD.thetrainleavesB. h o w o 1 d are t h8. Idon,tknow.Canyoute11me,please?A.howthetwoplayersareoldtwoplayersC. the two tw o play e rs a r e 9. The smal 1 childrenP I a yers a re how olddont k nowD . how o Id t h eA. what is th e ir s toe k ing S in ir s t oc

4、king sC. wh e r e is t h eir stock i ngs i n r Stoc k i ng s1 O . I cant un d e r s tand .A. w h at d o es Chri s tmas mean d o es me a nC . what mean Chri s tma S does s mea sB. what is in th eD. wh at in t he iB. what ChristmasD. what Chri s tm aII.按要求转换句型。1. DoesMr.BrownenjoyIivinginChina?CouIdyo

5、utellus?(改写句子)Couldyoutel1usMr.BrownlivinginChina?2. Doesthegir1needanyhelTheaskedme.(变为复合句)Heaskedmethegirlsomehelp.3. Jimisnotastudent.TomisnotaStUdent,Hther.(合并为一个句子)JimTomisaStudent.4. .WhendoesthetrainIeave?Iwanttoknow.(改为含宾语从句的复合句)Iwanttoknowthetrain.5. .Theywenthomeaftertheyhadfinishedtheirho

6、mework.(用not.until改写)Theygohometheyhadfinishedtheirhomework.6.DidPetercomehereyesterday?LiLeiwantstoknow.(改为含宾语从句的复合句)1.iLeiwantstoknowPeterhereyesterday.宾语从句专项训练参考答案:I.15DDDCD61OADDBDII.1.if/whether;enjoys2.if/whether;needed3.Neither;nor4.when;IeaVeS5 . did nt; unti 16. wh e t h e r; came习题()1 Theg

7、ir1saskediftheysomefoodanddrinkwiththem.A.tookB.takeC.takesD.wiIltake2 Catheri11esaidthatshetoGuangzhou.A.hasnevergoneB.hadnevergoneC.hasneverbeenD.hadneverbeen3 Thestudentswanttoknowwhethertheydictionarytoday.A.hadB.hasC.wi11haveD.are4 SheaskedLindaifgoandgetsome.5 A.couldsheB.shecouldC.shecanD.she

8、may6 1.indasaidthemoonroundtheearth.A.trave1ledB.hastravelledC.travellsD.hadtravelled答案:1-5ADCBC习题(二)1 Canyoute11meyouwereborn,Betty?A.whoB.whatC.whenD.that2 Idontknowtheyhavepassedtheexam.A.whatB.ifC.whenD.where3 Ihardlyunderstand.hehastoldme.A.thatB.whatC.whichD.who4 Shedidntknowbacksoon.A.whether

9、hewouldbeB.ifwouldhebeC.hewillbe5 .Idon,tknowheStiI1liveshereaftersomanyyears.A.whetherBwhereC.whatD.when6 .DoyouknowtheyIistenedtoyeSterdayeve11ing?A.whatBwhenCwhyDhow7 .HeaskedmetoIdmetheaccident.AwhomBwhichCwhoDwhose答案:1-7CBBAAAC习题(三)1. Theydon,tknowtheirparentsare.AthatBwhatCwhyDwhich2. Pleasete

10、llmewhatIaStyear.A.wheredoesyoursisterworkBwheredidyoursisterworkCwhereyoursisterworksDwhereyoursisterworked3. SheaskedmeifIknew.A.whosepenisitB.whosepenitwasC.whosepenitisD.whosepenwasit4. Youmustremember.A.whatyourmothersaidB.whatdidyourmothersayC. yo u r m o th e r said w h at D. 5 Did you know ?

11、A. who h e was Ioo k i ng after B.C. who he i s Io o ki n g fo r D. who 6 C o uld you tell me?A. when will t hey leave BeijingBe i j i ngC . when the y wil 1 Ie a ve Be i j Be i j i ng 答案:1 - 6 B DBA A Cw hat ha s y o ur mothe r saidwho was he I o o k ing for h e is looking afterB. whe wo u Id they

12、1 eavei n g D. whe did they 1 e a ve习题(四)1. Inthebookshop,areaderaskedtheshopkeeperWhoMovedMyCheesewasaninterestingbook.(北京市东城区)A.thatB.howC.whatD.if2. .Idon,tknowMr.GreenwiIlcometoseeus.HewillhelpuswithourEnglish.(杭州市)A.whyB.whenC.howD.where3. WeneverknowtheoIdmanis.Theysayheisateacher.(鄂州市)A.whatB

13、.whoC.whichD.where4. IwastoldBillGateswasthirteenhebegantoplaywithcomputers.(重庆市)A.thathowB.howthatC.whenthatD.thatwhen5. Doyouknow?mgoingtoseehim.Sorry,Idontknow.(北京市海淀区)A.wheredoesMr.Li1iveB.wheredidMr.Li1iveC.whereMr.LilivesD.whereMr.LiIived6 .一wheredoyouthinkhethecomputer?一Sorry,Ihavenoidea.(南京市

14、)A./;boughtB.has;boughtC.did;buyD.does;buy7 .Idontfee1verywell.Mumaskedmethismorning.(重庆市)A.whatthematterisB.whatiswrongC.whatthematterwasD.whatwrongwas8 .WhereisJack?一He is awa y to Han gzhou o r t o 市)spendhisho1iday.He,sgoneeitherWuhan,butmnotsure.t o(南昌A.thatB.whichC.whereD.th e re C、Do you kn o

15、 w how muchhot waterA. Mum i s nee dedB. do e s Mum n e edC. Mum n e edsD. d i d Mum need答案:1-4DAAD58CAC2、Canyoute11meA. where he i sB. wh e re is heC. h e is wh e r eD. wha t is he3、Ididn,tknowhowtoLondon?A. wo uId they g oB. a re they go i n gC. they w o uld goD. t h ey are g oi n g4Iwanttoknowhowlong.A.hashebeenbackB.hashecomebackC.hehasbeenbackD.hehascomeback5、Doyouknow


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