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1、 MEDICINEThe word medicine is derived from the Latin word medicina,meaning the art of healing.It includes a variety of health care practices evolved to maintain and restore health by the prevention and treatment of illness.We divided it mainly into two part,the Eastern medicine and the western medic

2、ine.MedicineEastern MedicineWestern Medicine3Eastern Medicine (Traditional Chinese Medicine)As early as 4000 years ago,the ancient Chinese created primitive medicine in their struggle with nature and diseases.In finding food,they soon understood that some food could relieve or even eliminate some di

3、seases.Thus,this was the origin of development and application of Chinese herbal medicine.早在远古时代,我们的祖先在与大自然做斗争中创造了原始医学。人们在寻求食物的过程中,发现某些食物能够减轻或消除某些疾病,这就是应用中药的起源。Two thousand years ago,the earliest known TCM book,Huangdi Neijing (Huangdis Classic of Internal Medicine),was written.It laid a foundation

4、of TCM theory.两千多年前,中国现存最早的中医理论专著黄帝内经问世,该书总结了在此之前的治疗经验和医学理论,结合当时其他自然科学的成就,对人体的生理、病理及疾病的诊断、治疗和预防,作了较全面而系统的阐述,初步奠定了中医学的理论基础。The Acupuncture and Moxibustion of TCM中医针灸症状Symptoms选穴发热Fever大椎、合谷、曲池昏迷Coma人中、十宣、涌泉虚脱Collapse灸百会、关元、针足三里多汗Profuse sweating合谷、复溜失眠Insomnia神门、三阴交、太溪胸痛Chest pain膻(dn)中、内关咳嗽Cough天突、列

5、缺恶心呕吐Abdominal distention内关、足三里消化不良Retention of urine足三里、公孙便秘Constipation天枢、支沟皮肤瘙痒Itching of skin曲池、血海、三阴交6The Treatment of TCM about Diseases疾病的中医治疗疾病的中医治疗1、风寒感冒、风寒感冒 Cold due to wind-cold 【治法】辛温宣肺解表 【Treatment】Dispel the pathogen from the superficies and release stagnated lung-Qi with drugs of acr

6、id taste and warm nature.【主方】荆防败毒散 【Recipe】Jing Fang Bai Du San2、风热感冒、风热感冒 Cold due to wind-heat 【治法】辛凉清肺解表 【Treatment】Dispel the pathogen in the superficies and clear away heat from the lung with drugs of acrid taste and cool nature.【主方】银翘散 【Recipe】Yin Qiao San3 3、外感咳嗽、外感咳嗽 Coughing caused by exoge

7、nous affectionCoughing caused by exogenous affection(1)风寒证 Wind-cold 【治法】取手太阴、阳明经穴为主。针用泻法,并可用加灸。【Treatment】Select points on the Hand-Taiyin and Yangming meridians as main points.The reducing method of needling is used and moxibustion is applied.【处方】列缺、合谷、肺俞、外关 【Prescription】Lieque,Hegu,Feishu and Wa

8、iguan(2)风热证 Wind-heat 【治法】取手太阴、阳明、督脉经穴为主。针用泻法,并可放血。【Treatment】Select points on the Hand-Taiyin,Yangming and Du meridians as main points to expel wind,clear away heat,normalize lung functions and resolve sputum.The reducing method of needling is used and pricking to cause bleeding is applicable at sa

9、me time.【处方】池泽、肺俞、大椎、曲池 【Prescription】Chize,Feishu,Dazhui and Quchi4、寒哮【治法】温肺散寒,化痰止哮【主方】射干麻黄汤,小青龙汤【Treatment】warm the lung to dispel cold pathogen;relieve phlegm to stop asthma with wheezing【Recipe】She Gan Ma Huang soup and Xiao Qing Long Soup5、热哮【治法】宣肺清热,豁痰止哮【主方】定喘汤,越婢加半夏汤【Treatment】Facilitating th

10、e flow of lung-Qi to clear heart;removing phlegm to asthma.【Recipe】Ding Chuan soup,Yue Bi Jia Ban Xia soupCommon Chinese Medical Materials 常见中草药名称大麻 Cannabis 冬虫夏草 ycepsCord首乌Unprepared Fleece-flower Root鹿茸 Antler灵芝Lingchih干姜 Dred Ginger甘草 Licorice枸杞 Fruit of Matrimonyvine山药 chinese Yam Rhizome山楂 Cra

11、b-appleWestern MedicineWestern MedicinePrehistoric medicine incorporated plants(herbalism),animal parts and minerals.In many cases these materials were used ritually as magical substances by priests,shamans,or medicine men.西方史前医药包括植物,动物器官和矿物质。在许多情况下,这些材料被用来作为仪式的祭司,巫师,神奇的物质或药物的人。Earliest records of d

12、edicated hospitals come from Mihintale in Sri Lanka where evidence of dedicated medicinal treatment facilities for patients are found.专门医院的最早记载出现在斯里兰卡的专用设施,这里有为病人药物治疗的设施的证据。The Greek physician Hippocrates,considered the father of medicine laid the foundation for a rational approach to medicine.希腊医生希

13、波克拉底,认为是“医学之父”,奠定了理性的态度,对于医学的基础。人体结构人体结构 Structure of mans bodyacromioclavicular joint 肩锁关节 air bronchogram 支气管影像ankle joint 踝关节 ankylosis of joint 关节强直arches of foot 足弓 biligrafin 胆影葡胺bone age 骨龄bone canaliculi 骨小管bone cortex 骨皮质bone deformity 骨骼变形bone lacuna 骨陷窝bone lamella 骨板bony articular surfac

14、e 骨关节面bursa 滑膜囊joint capsule 关节囊joint cartilage 关节软骨joint cavity 关节腔joint space 关节间隙knee joint 膝关节lamellar bone 层板骨ligament 韧带medullary space 骨髓腔metacarpal bones 掌骨metaphysis 干骺端metatarsal bones 跖骨niche 龛影phalanges of fingers 指骨phalanges of toes 趾骨持针器 needle holder 海绵钳 sponge clamp 解剖剪 cured tissue

15、scissors扩张器 dilator 牵开器 retractor 敷料 dressing手术刀 scalpel 手术剪 surgical scissors 手术镊 forceps 止血带 tourniquet 止血钳 Hemostatic Forceps 拆线剪 Stitch-Cutting Scissors 西医手术器械西医手术器械 Instrument 13人体结构图人体结构图 消化系统消化系统鼻中隔鼻中隔 septum nasi口腔口腔 cavitas oris舌舌 lingua软腭软腭 palatum molle咽咽 pharynx喉喉 larynx食道食道 esophagus胃胃

16、ventriculus肝肝 hepar十二指肠十二指肠 duodenum盲肠盲肠 caecum阑尾阑尾 appendix vermiformis常见医院的科室医学美容中心 Medical Cosmetic Center家庭医学科 Family Medicine健康检查中心 Health Evaluation Center急诊抢救室 Emergency Room计划生育科 Birth Control Department急诊医学科 Emergency Medicine 内科 Internal Medicine 外科 Surgery 小儿科 Adolescent Health放射科 Radiology 牙科 Dentistry Department 胃肠科 Gastroenterology耳鼻喉科-一般门诊 General ENT Clinic烧伤中心 Burn Center皮肤科 Dermatology化验室 Laboratory手术室 Operating Room太平间 The deans office妇科 Department of Gynecology眼科 Ophthalmolog


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