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1、 Animals at Risk:Who Cares?种种动物都濒临灭绝的危险境地,有谁关心?n Elk 麋鹿麋鹿 n South China Tiger 华南虎华南虎n Snow leopard 雪豹雪豹 n Giant Panda 大熊猫大熊猫n Gibbon 长臂猴长臂猴n Tibetan antelope 藏羚羊藏羚羊 n Tibetan wild ass 藏野驴藏野驴n Wild yak 野牦牛野牦牛n Red fox 赤狐赤狐n Alligator 扬子鳄扬子鳄Elk,also known as Sibu Xiang is an animal unique to China,the

2、 world of rare animals.It is good at swimming,together with large hooves,very suitable for the muddy swamps looking for the forest grass,leaves and aquatic plants,habitat range of activities along the Yangtze River today.麋鹿又名麋鹿又名“四不象四不象”,是中国特有的动物,也是世界珍稀动物。它,是中国特有的动物,也是世界珍稀动物。它善于游泳,再加上宽大的蹄子,非常适合在泥泞的树

3、林沼泽地带寻善于游泳,再加上宽大的蹄子,非常适合在泥泞的树林沼泽地带寻觅青草、树叶和水生植物等,栖息活动范围在今天的长江流域一带。觅青草、树叶和水生植物等,栖息活动范围在今天的长江流域一带。EnterGibbon is the smallest in an ape,most efficient and flexible is an action.China has 5 gibbons,contains white palm gibbons,browed gibbons,Hainan black crested gibbons,black gibbons and white cheek gibb

4、ons.n 长臂猿是猿类中最细小的一种,也是行动最快捷灵活的一种。我国有5种长臂猿,即白掌长臂猿、白眉长臂猿、海南黑冠长臂猿、黑长臂猿和白颊长臂猿.EnterTibetan antelope is an animal antelope subfamily,is one of the important rare species,protection of animals at the national level.Tibetan antelopeshape is similar with the Mongolian gazelle.Tibetan antelopes are good at r

5、unning,the maximum speed of 80 km,the longest life expectancy of about 8 years.Mainly distributed in Xinjiang,Qinghai,Tibet plateau.n 藏羚羊为羚羊亚科藏羚属动物,是中国重要珍稀物种之一,国家一级保护动物。体形与黄羊相似.藏羚羊善于奔跑,最高时速可达80公里,寿命最长8年左右。主要分布在新疆、青海、西藏的高原上。Tibetan wild ass is a first class national protected animal。As a plateau-type

6、 animal,the species inhabit socially the altitude of 3600-5400 meters,which can endure extreme cold,sunlight,wind and snow.Most of the groups they live in maintain a capacity of 5-6 members,while large groups are of 10 members,and the largest groups even go up to a hundred.The small groups are usual

7、ly led by a male ass in migratory life.藏野驴,藏野驴,国家一级保护动物。国家一级保护动物。该物种为高原型动物,该物种为高原型动物,栖居于海栖居于海拔拔 3600 米至米至 5400 米的地带、群居生活,对寒冷、日晒和风雪米的地带、群居生活,对寒冷、日晒和风雪均具有极强的耐受力,多均具有极强的耐受力,多 半由半由 5、6 头组成小群,大的群体在头组成小群,大的群体在 10 数头,最大群体可达上百头,小群由一数头,最大群体可达上百头,小群由一 头雄驴率领,营游移生活。头雄驴率领,营游移生活。Wild yak is also named wild ox,and

8、 the Tibetan pronunciation is Yagui.As a typical alpine animal which can endure extreme cold,it is a first class national protected animal.Located in Qinghai,Tibet,southern Xinjiang,northwestern Gansu,western Sichuan and other places.It inhabits the alpine meadow strips at an altitude of 3000-6000 m

9、eters,inaccessible mountains and large peaks,mountain basins,alpine grasslands,alpine deserts,etc.野牦牛又叫野牛,藏名音译亚归。是家牦牛的野生同类,野牦牛又叫野牛,藏名音译亚归。是家牦牛的野生同类,典型的高寒动物,性极典型的高寒动物,性极 耐寒。青藏高原特有牛种,耐寒。青藏高原特有牛种,国家一国家一级保护动物级保护动物,分布于青海、分布于青海、西藏、西藏、新疆南部、新疆南部、甘肃西北部甘肃西北部和四川西部等地。栖息于海拔和四川西部等地。栖息于海拔 3000 6000 米的高山草甸米的高山草甸地带,

10、人地带,人 迹罕至的高山大峰、山间盆地、高寒草原、高寒迹罕至的高山大峰、山间盆地、高寒草原、高寒荒漠草原等各种环境中。荒漠草原等各种环境中。Red fox,also known as fire fox,has a slender body,a pointed mouth,big ears,short limbs and a long tail.Red foxes have a strong adaptability whose habitats range from mountains to plains,from forests to grasslands,and even in deser

11、ts and human urban settlements.The red fox can only live for 14 years,which can be counted as longevity in canid.赤狐又叫红狐、火狐等。赤狐细长的身体,尖尖的嘴巴,大大的耳赤狐又叫红狐、火狐等。赤狐细长的身体,尖尖的嘴巴,大大的耳朵,短小的四朵,短小的四 肢,身后还拖着一条长长的大尾巴。赤狐的适应能力肢,身后还拖着一条长长的大尾巴。赤狐的适应能力很强,从高山到平原,从森很强,从高山到平原,从森 林到草原,甚至沙漠、人类的城镇聚落林到草原,甚至沙漠、人类的城镇聚落都是他们的栖息地。尽管赤狐只能活都是他们的栖息地。尽管赤狐只能活 14 年,但这在犬科动物中已年,但这在犬科动物中已经是长寿的了。经是长寿的了。EnterEnterEnterEnter


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