Ultrasoft and Highly Stretchable Hydrogel Optical Fibers for In Vivo Optogenetic.docx

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1、and the elucidation of neuropsychiatric disease mechanisms.i12j Recent optogenetics developments have provided a potential treatment of epiIepsy,(3,4 Par- kinson,s disease,s,6 depression网 and other brain disorders,(9- nj where the cell type-specific modulation of neural circuits may address the path

2、ological symptoms.i21 To manipulate the activities of specific neurons or neural circuits in vivo using optogenetics, implantable optical waveguides are frequently used to deliver laser light into the virus-infected brain regions.”/ Primarily, these waveguides are silica optical fibers, with an aver

3、age Young,s modulus at least six orders of magnitudes larger than that of the neural tissues415-17 The elastic mismatch between the silica optical fibers and organisms may lead to the host tissue injuries, which subsequently induce neuronal death in the implant surroundings. To prevent this, stretch

4、able and flexible optoelectronic implantss- 21 and polymer integrated PrObeS【22- 25j have been developed, with a decreased tissue response and consistent performance duringCOMMUNICATIONwww.advopticalmat.deHydrogelOpticalFibersUltrasoftandHighlyStretchableHydrogelOpticalFibersforInVivoOptogeneticModu




8、hileits三molecularstructurewasconfirmedusingtheRamanspectraganalysis(Figure1a).WiththeincreaseinthePAAmcontents,mainbandintensityincreasedaswell:1101cm1attheNH2itwisting,1322cm1attheCH2wagging,1429cm1atthe.CNvibration,1452cm1attheCH2bending,1621cm1JattheCOstretchingvibration,and1677cm1attheNH(1of6)2018WILEY-VCHVerlagGmbH&Co.KGaA,Weinheim(SeCQheTermsandcondn(httpsFigure 1. Chemical an


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