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1、运运 动动 系系 统统Locomotor systembone骨 articulation关节 muscle骨骼肌 l Numbers:206 (include 6 auditory ossicles(include 6 auditory ossicles 听小骨听小骨)Skull 颅骨颅骨 Bones of trunk 躯干骨躯干骨 Appendicular bones 附肢骨附肢骨The general discriptionThe general discriptionSection 1lLong bonelShort bonelFlat bonelIrregular boneshaft

2、Upper extremitylower extremityepiphysisepiphysismetaphysisEpipysial lineEpiphysial cartilageEpiphysisLateral view of vertebraSuperior view of vertebraSesamoid boneSesamoid bone籽骨籽骨Pneumatic bonePneumatic bone含气骨含气骨Sesamoid boneShort boneLong boneThe bones in handThe bones in handred bone marrowyello

3、w bone marrowLiving bones include the following components:Living bones include the following components:bony substancePeriosteumbone marrowBlood vessel and nerve supplycompact bonespongy bonefibrous membranevascular membraneLong bone Articular surfaceArticular surface Periosteum Periosteum Compact

4、boneCompact bone Spongy boneSpongy bone Madullary cavityMadullary cavity Bone marrowBone marrow Epiphysial cartilage Epiphysial cartilage(Epiphysial line)(Epiphysial line)1123336554477Flat boneIrregular boneCompact bone(Outer plate)Compact bone(Inner plate)Spongy boneCompact boneSpongy bone(Dioplo)板

5、障板障Tarsal bones (Tarsal bones (跗骨跗骨)Metatarsal bones (Metatarsal bones (跖骨跖骨)Sesamoid bones (Sesamoid bones (籽骨籽骨)Living bones are plastic tissues with organic and inorganic components The organic material gives the bones resilience and toughness;the inorganic salts give them hardness and rigidity T

6、he physical properties of the bones depend upon the chemical component which change with age Normal adult:organic components/inorganic components is 3/7骨的化学成份和物理性质骨的化学成份和物理性质有机质(骨胶原纤维束和粘多糖蛋白)有机质(骨胶原纤维束和粘多糖蛋白)弹性、韧性弹性、韧性 无机质(碱性磷酸钙)无机质(碱性磷酸钙)硬性、脆性硬性、脆性正常成人比例正常成人比例:有机质有机质/无机质约为无机质约为3:73:71.1.膜化骨膜化骨2.2.软

7、骨化骨软骨化骨The Development of Bones(self-study)1.What is the anatomical position?2.How many types of bone according to their shapes?and what is the characteristics in each part?3.What is the structure of bones?Questions1.Vertebrae(24)2.Sternum(1)3.Ribs(12)4.Sacrum(1)5.Coccyx(1)Section 2Vertebral bodyPed

8、icle of vertebral arch 椎弓根椎弓根Lamina of vertebral arch 椎弓板椎弓板Vertebral foramenSuperior articular process(2)Inferior articular process(2)Spinous processTransverse process(2)2+3=Vertebral archNotch in neighbour vertebral pedicle consist of the intervertebral foramen112223345677888椎骨的一般形态椎骨的一般形态椎体椎体椎弓根椎

9、弓根椎弓板椎弓板棘突棘突 1 1横突横突 2 2上关节突上关节突 2 2下关节突下关节突 2 2椎间孔椎间孔椎上切迹椎上切迹椎孔椎孔椎弓椎弓椎下切迹椎下切迹Anterior archAnterior tubercleTransverse foramenTransverse processVertebral foramenDental foveaPosterior archA A.Superior viewSuperior articular surfaceGroove for vertebral arteryB.Inferior viewInferior articular surface11

10、22333344445566778A AB B1.Dens 齿突齿突2.Superior articular surface3.Transverse process4.Transverse foramen5.Vertebral foramen6.Spinous process7.Inferior articular surface11227744336225112345789107th cervical vertebra1.Vertebral body2.Transverse foramen3.Transverse process4.Vertebral foramen5.Superior ar

11、ticular surface6.Inferior articular surface 7.Spinous process8.Vertebral arch9.Anterior tubercle10.Posterior tubercleThe special characteristics of cervical vertebrae1.small Vertebral body2.Partly bifid spinous process3.Vertebral foramen is nearly triangular,large4.Transverse foramenAtlas寰椎寰椎Axis枢椎枢

12、椎Vertebra Prominens隆椎隆椎1.Vertebral body2.Pedicle of vertebral arch 3.Lamina of vertebral arch4.Vertebral foramen5.Superior articular process(2)6.Inferior articular process(2)7.Spinous process8.Transverse process(2)9.Superior costal fovea10.Inferior costal fovea11.Transver costal fovea112223345677888

13、91011991111Thoracic vertebrae1.larger vertebral body2.Vertebral foramen is nearly circular3.Articular facets of articular process are relatively coronary4.Superior inferior costal fovea of the bodies5.Transver costal foveaThe special characteristics of thoracic vertebraeLumber vertebrae1.Vertebral b

14、ody2.Pedicle of vertebral arch 3.Laminae of vertebral arch4.Vertebral foramen5.Superior articular process(2)6.Inferior articular process(2)7.Spinous process8.Transverse process(2)Superior viewLateral view1.Large,thick vertebral body is kidney-shaped2.Vertebral foramen is triangular3.The spinous proc

15、ess is heavy,rectangular and strong,posterior directions4.The articular processes are almost straight5.relatively sagittal articular facetsThe special characteristics of lumbar vertebrae Sacrum&CoccyxAnterior viewPosnterior view1.Base of sacrum2.Promontory of sacrum3.Ala of sacrum4.Sacral canal5.Lat

16、eral part6.Anterior sacral foramina7.Posterior sacral foramina8.Transverse line9.Apes of sacrum10.Articular surface11.Median sacral12.Sacral hiatus13.Sacral cornu14.Intermediate sacral15.Coccygeal cornu123456791011121314151.Jugular notch2.Clavicular notch3.Costal notch for 1st rib4.Manubrium sterni5.Sternal angle6.Costal notch7.Body of sternum8.Xiphoid process123457586866Anterior viewLateral viewManubrium sterniBody of sternumXiphoid processTrue ribsFalse ribsFloating ribscartilagelNumbers:12 pa


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