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1、施工安全培训施工安全培训ConstructionSafety Training 安全培训的目的:安全培训的目的:Toolbox Talks The Objectives:增强员工安全生产意识Remind workers of specific job related safety提醒施工中的危险隐患Reaffirm the safety hazards related to the job提醒员工采取预防措施以将工伤事故降低到最少程度Remind them of the precautions they should take to minimize the hazard(s)事故的原因事故的

2、原因(管理方面)(管理方面)Causes of Accidents(Management)管理不当Lack of proper supervision 工作场所安全环境维持力度不够Bad Housekeeping事故的原因事故的原因(管理方面)(管理方面)Causes of Accidents(Management)施工操作方法缺乏规范化Lack of proper Method Statement 缺乏安全培训Lack of all types of safety training 事故的原因事故的原因(管理方面)(管理方面)Causes of Accidents(Management)赶工

3、Working at speeds to get the job done没有安全和足够的工作脚手架Lack of adequate working platforms 事故的原因事故的原因(操作工人方面)(操作工人方面)Causes of Accidents(Workers)缺乏知识和技巧Lack of knowledge or skill 图便利走捷径Taking short cuts 懒散Simple laziness 自以为是The“Macho”image 赶工时Piece work time is of the essence事故预防原则事故预防原则Principles of Acc

4、ident Prevention 安全培训、安全信息及安全教育是关键Safety training,information and education are essential 分发正确和足够的劳防用品并确保正确使用Issue correct P.P.E.and ensure it is properly worn and used 所以的“幸免”事故都应该报告、调查并采取预防措施All“near misses”should be reported,investigated and remedial actions instigated 持续的安全培训是关键Continuation trai

5、ning is essential事故预防原则事故预防原则Principles of Accident Prevention 管理层必需对安全负责并以正确的态度Management must know their commitment and adopt the“right”attitude towards safety 所有的事故必需调查并找到根本原因All accidents must be properly investigated and the“true”cause of the accident established 实行安全风险评估并告诉工人预防措施Risk Assessmen

6、ts should be carried out and preventative and precautionary recommendations passed on to the workers 事故预防原则事故预防原则Principles of Accidents Prevention 日常施工中不断监督工人、员工The workforce must be properly and constantly supervised 评定整个工程的安全培训计划Assess all training needs throughout the project 管理层必需事先计划工地布置和工序安排M

7、anagement must plan well in advance the site layout and the logical sequence of works 安全监理员在任用前需得到充分的培训Safety Supervisors must have some form of safety training before appointed安全防范措施总结安全防范措施总结Summary of Accident Prevention Control操作工人操作工人Worker机器设备及工具机器设备及工具Equipment orMachine环境和工地环境和工地Environment&

8、Site工伤事故的代价工伤事故的代价Costs of Accidents 受伤工人本身The Injured Worker工人家属The Families雇主The Employer社会Society事故及危险事件报告程序事故及危险事件报告程序Accident&Dangerous Occurrence Reporting Procedures人员姓名The name of the person受伤性质The nature of the injury事故时间和地点The time and place of the accident事故情况简述A brief explanation of the

9、circumstances of the accident 死亡或严重受伤必需在24小时内报告Death or serious injury must be reported within 24 hours 事故及危险事件报告程序事故及危险事件报告程序Accident&Dangerous Occurrence Reporting Procedures 必需在7天内提交书面报告A written report must be submitted within 7 days 小事故必需在3天内书面报告Minor accidents for incapacity for less than 3 da

10、ys must be reported 危险事件必需在24小时内书面报告 不限于有人受伤的事故Dangerous occurrences must be reported within 24 hours,in writing injury is not a necessary criteria 所有死亡工伤事故必需报告警方All fatal accidents must also be reported to the Police急救措施急救措施First Aid 建筑工地安全条款中有详細列出急救箱中须常备必需的急救用品These regulations gives details of th

11、e minimum contents of First Aid Boxes建筑工地安全条款中有详細列出规定的急救用品The Constructions Sites(Safety)Regulations cover the requirements for First Aid Facilities紧急事件程序紧急事件程序Emergency Procedures如何与安全部门联系How to contact the Safety Department如何叫救护车、劳动部门、消防局和警察The policy on how to call the Ambulance,the Labor Departm

12、ent,the Fire Services and the Police灭火设备放置地点和使用方法The location of fire fighting equipment and how to use it任何人第一次进入工地应被告知:任何人第一次进入工地应被告知:Anyone coming onto a construction site for the first time should be told:紧急事件程序紧急事件程序Emergency Procedures安全出入口和集散地点Assembly,Access and egress points大风时高空作业须停工的标准The

13、 criteria for stopping work at heights during high winds 建造安全的工地建造安全的工地Setting up a Safe Site 1.正确的工地布置事关重要Proper planning of site layout is very important2.检查工地周围的限制条件,如道路、铁路、飞机路径、水流区域、高架和地下设施等等Check what restraints are around the site,i.e.roads,railways,flight paths,water areas,overhead and underg

14、round services,etc.3.检查环境问题,如灰尘、噪音和烟雾等Check for environmental problem such as dust,noise,fumes 建立安全的工地建立安全的工地Setting up a Safe Site4.建立工地内交通控制体系,可能的话设立单向道交通系统Consider traffic control and a one way system if possible临时的供电系统和电缆铺设要适当Consider temporary power supply and how best to lay cables 避免双向通行Avoid

15、 head-on traffic安全的工作环境安全的工作环境Safe Working Environment 核实是否需要审办噪音许可证Check whether there is a need for a Noise Permit是否需要审办开挖许可证Will you need an excavation permit?是否需要审办临时外墙脚手架搭建许可证What are the requirements of your hoarding permit?确保工地内有足够的通信设备,如电话、无线电对讲机等Ensure there is an adequate communication sys

16、tem,i.e.telephones,radio etc.尘埃控制程序,如清洗车轮等What“dust”control procedures i.e.wheel wash etc.确保工作场所良好的通风和照明Ensure good lighting,ventilation etc.物品管理物品管理Good Housekeeping 储藏物品须小心安排Look carefully at storage arrangements将碎石、施工下料、垃圾等控制到最低限度Keep rubble,debris and rubbish to a minimum检查危险物品的管理和储藏Check the management,storage of the Dangerous Substances 防火防火Fire Precautions and Fire Prevention 火灾的三要素火灾的三要素Triangle of Fire 燃料燃料Fuel 热热 Heat空气(氧气)空气(氧气)Air(Oxygen)超载用电Overloading the Power supply线路、插头、插座的绝缘性差P


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