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1、IQview 使用說明使用說明名詞解釋名詞解釋EVMError vector Magnitude(誤差向量幅度)PSDPower Spectrum Density(能量頻譜密度能量頻譜密度)CCDFComplementary Cumulative Distribution Function(互補累積分佈函數)Spectral Flatness頻譜平整LO(DC) Leakage本地振盪洩漏Phase Noise相位雜訊Phase Error相位誤差Frequency error頻率誤差名詞解釋名詞解釋OFDM正交頻分多路復用DSSSDirect Sequence Spread Spectrum

2、(直接序列展頻)Symbol sequence符元序列IQview簡介簡介lIQview 為專為IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/n的綜合測試儀,它是以雙頻段實體層之測試而設計,整合了VSG(Vector Signal Generator)和VSA(Vector Signal Analysis)的多功能測試儀。完整的GUI操作分析功能可提供快速而清楚的實驗數據。l注意點:802.11n的測試需要搭配軟體升級,否則無法量測IQview安裝與設定安裝與設定lPC機系統要求機系統要求lWindows 2000 或 XP操作系統, 光驅, Ethernet 10/100网卡l顯示器分辨率: 不小于1

3、024 x 768IQview安裝與設定安裝與設定l開機開機l1. 將IQview通過Ethernet纜線(交叉型)與PC機相連. (如右圖所示)l2. 按下IQview儀器上的電源按紐.l電源指示燈先發紅光, 等儀器啟動完畢後便變為綠色.l注意: 啟動約需30-45秒鐘.DUTPCIQVIEW 網線CableIQview安裝與設定安裝與設定l IP位址設定位址設定l為確保與IQview通訊正常, PC機的IP位址和子网掩碼設置需與IQview的IP位址和子网掩碼相匹配.l1. 右鍵單繫 網路上的芳鄰網路上的芳鄰 , 在菜單中選取 內容內容l2. 右鍵單繫區域連線區域連線,在菜單中選取內容內容

4、l3. 雙繫internet protocol(TCP/IP)l4. 選中 使用下面的使用下面的IP位址位址 前面的單選框, 然後輸入IP位址: 192.168.100.X, 其中X是1到253之間的任意一個整數(IQview的該位址是254)l5. 在 子网掩碼子网掩碼 一欄中輸入255.255.0.0l點繫 確定確定 , 便完成設置 IQview安裝與設定安裝與設定l安裝安裝IQsignal 802.11 Tester測試軟件測試軟件l 插入 IQview Applications CD-ROM 光盤, 窗口會出現安裝畫面l 按照提示完成安裝 l 安裝完成後, 點繫 關閉關閉l 如果安裝成

5、功候,桌面會出現三個IQview測試用軟體Hardware DescriptionvFront PanelHardware DescriptionlRear panel10/100 Ethernet10MHz ReferenceUSB電源接口Power on/offSoftware operation-IQ SignallIQ Signal主要是為了測量分析802.11a/b/g中一些複雜訊號的EVM,Power, spectrum Mask等參數而設計開發的軟體l注現在我們廠內一般都只用來測量EVM值,其他測量則很少用到. Software operation-IQ SignallIQ Si

6、gnal主界面主界面Software operation-IQ SignallIQ Signal主界面主界面-功能鍵介紹功能鍵介紹Software operation-IQ SignallIQ Signal主界面主界面-功能鍵介紹功能鍵介紹FeatureDescriptionRF channelRF channel selectionMax Sig. LevelThe specified level should be greater than or equal to the peak level of the signalExternal AttnExternal gain settingT

7、rigger SettingsThree different options can be selected here: Free run, external trigger input, and signal trigger inputRF inputWhen selected, the signal must be supplied to the RF input port. If not selected, the signal must be supplied to the base band inputs.Software operation-IQ SignallIQ Signal主

8、界面主界面-功能鍵介紹功能鍵介紹FeatureDescriptionMeasurement WindowDisplays measurement results in this window.Power Time GraphThis window displays a graphical representation of the measured data. The blue trace represents the peak amplitude value, while the red trace represents the amplitude as a moving average o

9、ver 40 samples.Display Packet InformationIf Display Packet Information is checked, a window inside the top measurement window will display a summary of the packet being analyzed.Note, the data is only displayed when an EVM analysis is performedSoftware operation-IQ SignallIQ Signal主界面-功能畫面lTop-left測

10、量畫面Software operation-IQ SignallIQ Signal主界面-功能畫面lLeft測量界面Software operation-IQ SignallIQ Signal主界面-功能畫面lRight測量界面Software operation-IQ SignallIQ Signal主界面-功能畫面lTop-Right測量界面Software operation-IQ SignallMain MenuFile Menul主菜單主要包含以下几項l Filel Setupl Toolsl HelpSoftware operation-IQ SignallMain MenuFil

11、e MenuMenu ItemsDescriptionOpen Signal FileOpens previously captured and saved data from a signal file for analysis.Save Signal FileSaves captured data to a signal file with extension .sig for later analysis.two options exist: Complete Signal: Saves the complete capture independent of what is shown

12、in the top graph Zoomed Signal: Saves only the portion of the signal that is currently shown in the top graphSave Generator FileSaves captured data for use as an input file (modulator file) to the VSG applications signal window.Software operation-IQ SignallMain MenuFile MenuMenu ItemsDescriptionSave

13、 PSDU dataSaves the captured data of the packet to a text file. Two options exist: Packet Info PSDU: Saves the data of the complete packet. PSDU: Saves the data of the PSDU (data) portion of the packet onlyPrint PagePrint the current view to the selected printer.Load SetupLoads a previously saved se

14、tupSave SetupSaves the current setup to a file.Software operation-IQ SignallMain MenuFile MenuMenu ItemsDescriptionLoad Default SetupLoads the default settings for the application.ExitExits the program.Software operation-IQ SignallMain MenuSetup Menu-parametersparametersDescriptionTester IP AddressT

15、he IP address of the testerSample IntervalSelects the duration of time for a sample captureEVM AveragingThe number of most recent measurement that are used to calculate the average EVM number displayed in the measurement results windowTrigger Timeout (sec)Sets the time that IQsignal waits to try to

16、acquire (trigger on) a signalSoftware operation-IQ SignallMain MenuSetup Menu-parametersOFDM Optimization ParametersDescriptionPhase Tracking/CorrChoices are: Off,Sym-by-Sym Corr.,Moving Avg. 10 Sym.Channel EstimateChoices are: 2nd Order Polyfit, Raw, Long Symbol, and Raw, Full Packet.Symbol Timing TrackingChoices are: Off/On.Frequency Sync.Choices are: Short Training Symbols, Long Training Symbols, Full Data Packet.Software operation-IQ SignallMain MenuSetup Menu-parametersOFDM Optimization Par


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