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1、中式思维:情感分段、读者领会、迂回模式、归纳式思维 英式思维:逻辑分段、作者交代、直线模式、演绎式思维Chinese writing: a reader - responsibility pattern,implied or no thesis,where the argument/talk is coming from.English writing: a writer- responsibility pattern, thesis at the beginning,where the argument/talk is goingTopic sentenceSupporting ideasC

2、oncluding sentence1st supporting idea: 2supporting detail: 32nd supporting idea: 4supporting detail: 5,63rd supporting idea: 7supporting detail: 8,9110 supporting ideas and details:Structure of paragraphallows workers to learn from a boss, so that they can increase their job skills and get promoted.

3、 7The third most important factor is that the boss acts with consistency. 8That way the workers know what to expect each day. 9They know how theyll be treated and what their share of the workload will be. 10I would hire a boss with these qualities for myself. 1There are three important qualities nec

4、essary in a good boss. 2The most important is fairness. 3If the boss is fair, workers can feel that if they do a good job, their work will be appreciated, and their efforts will be rewarded. 4The second most important quality is leadership. 5The boss should be an example and a teacher. 6This support

5、ing ideas and details:Structure of paragraph Structure of ParagraphDetail 1Topic SentenceDetail 2Concluding SentenceDetail 3 Positive and negative argument: As a popular saying goes, “Health is better than wealth.” Good health enables one to enjoy his life and achieve what he hopes for in his career

6、. On the other hand, poor health tends to deprive one of his interest in everything around him. Therefore, health is indispensable to ones happy life. Circular argument: As a popular saying goes, “Health is better than wealth.” The better ones health is , the wealthier one tends to be. On the other

7、hand, if one is in poor health, he is deprived of his wealth. Therefore, health is indispensable to ones happy life. Circular argument: My candidate is the best qualified of all. In experience, education, and intellectual ability, she is superior to everyone else who is running for this office. No o

8、ne even remotely approaches her qualifications for the position. She stands head and shoulders above the other candidates. Therefore, she deserves your vote. Improved paragraph My candidate is the best qualified of all. Of all the persons who are running for this office, she is the only one that has

9、 got the degree of Ph. D and she has five years experience, having held a similar position with one of the best companies in this country. Whats more, she stands head and shoulders above the other candidates as for the knowledge and skill in computer, which is essential for the job. Therefore, she deserves your vote.


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