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1、Unit 7Inner VoiceA FAMOUS QUOTEvOn page 229Speaking activitiesv格林先生:你知道现在多晚了吗?v约翰:都是我的错,我没意识到时间。 v格林先生:希望你不要认为这种借口能帮你解脱。v约翰:不是的,我说的是真的。v格林先生:难道我没告诉你回家晚了要打电话吗?v约翰:是的,但是我肯定是忘记了。v格林先生:不管怎么说,你需要做的就是打个电话。v约翰:我知道,我本应该打电话的。v格林先生:再晚回家,就把你的东西扔到外面去。v约翰:就因为这事就把我赶出去?v格林先生:是的,也许只有到那时候你才能尊重我的规定。v约翰:太好了,我离开的话,你的规定

2、也就无所谓了。Text A Your inner voicev New words vinner adj. 内心的;隐藏的vinner thoughts 内心的想法 vouter adj.外面的,外部的 vprecisely adv. 准确地;恰好地vprecise adj.清晰的; 精确的; vprecision n.精确度,准确(性) vv联想:vaccurate adj.精确的,准确的 vaccuracy n.精确(性),准确(性 )vbombard v. 大肆抨击;连珠炮似地质问;提供过多信息 vbombard someone with questionsv连珠炮似地向某人提出问题v

3、dreaded adj. 令人害怕的;可怕的vNo one knew how to treat this dreaded disease. v没人知道如何治疗这种可怕的疾病。vdread vt.害怕,担心 v n.恐惧,畏惧; 令人恐惧的事物 vThe little boy dreads going to bed in the dark.v这孩子不敢在黑暗中睡觉。v hesitation n. 犹豫vhesitate v.犹豫,踌躇; 不愿 v Do not hesitate to laugh at anything you find amusing. v只要觉得好笑就尽管笑。vhesitan

4、t adj.踌躇的; 犹豫的; 迟疑的v He took a hesitant step towards her.v他犹豫着向她走近了一步。vshe was hesitant when making big decisions. vwonder v. 想知道;想弄明白;琢磨 n. 奇迹vwonder wh-vI wonder what to do next?vI wonder where he comes from?vdo / work wonders / miracles 创造奇迹v prompt v. 促使;导致;激起vWhat prompted him to be so generous

5、?v是什么原因使得他如此大方呢?vdespite prep. 即使;尽管v despite=in spite of +名词/动名词vdespite/in spite of his shortcoming ,he is a very good person.vdespite / in spite of that fact that v Despite/in spite of the fact she is short, she is an excellent basketball player. v尽管她个子矮, 却是个出色的篮球运动员.vattempt n./ v. 企图;试图;尝试vatte

6、mpt to do sth.vattempted adj.未遂的,企图的 vattempted murder 蓄意杀人vattach v. 把固定,把附(在上)vattach tovHe attached labels to his luggage.v他把标签贴在行李上。vattached 非常喜欢的;依恋的;附加的;附属的vShe is very attached to her family and friends. v她非常热爱家人和朋友。vThe school is attached to the Normal College. v这所学校附属于师范学院.vattachment 依恋;附

7、件vemotion n. 强烈的感情;情感;情绪vemotional adj.情感上的;情绪上的 v the emotional support v emotionless adj.不露情感的,没有情感的 contain v. v1)控制,克制,抑制(感情)v I couldnt contain my excitement any longer.v2) 包含;含有 ;装有;容纳 vThe bag contained a Christmas card. v这个包里装着一张圣诞卡。voverwhelming adj. 巨大的;压倒性的;无法抗拒的voverwhelming problems 令人压

8、力的问题van overwhelmed person 一个压力极大的人vv联想:surprised / surprisingv excited / excitingv-ing 令人.v-ed 让人本身感到.v注意:excited eyes / expressions / looksv 激动的眼神/表情(是人表现出来的用 -ed) Text A Your inner voiceText learning v1. My day started just like all the other days for the past 15 years where I get up, make some c

9、offee, shower, get dressed and leave for the train station at precisely 7:35 A.M. to arrive at work by 8:30. v(1) where引导定语从句,先行词为days。(2) make coffee冲咖啡,煮咖啡v(3) get dressed穿好衣服v(4) leave for 动身去 vHe will leave for Shanghai on the Friday. v他星期五去上海.v 2. At work I am always being bombarded with questi

10、ons from coworkers, suppliers, telephone and then those dreaded meetings, so the last thing I need is some stranger to sit beside me and make small talk. v工作中,我要无休止地应对同事、供应商提出的各种问题,电话总是响个不停,还有那些令人恐惧的会议,所以我最不想做的事就是和坐在身边的陌生人闲聊。v(1) bombard sb. with questions 不断向某人提问(2) the last thing最不想的事情vHe is the l

11、ast person I want to work with.vLying is the last thing hell do.v3. Shortly after the train left for my 30-minute ride downtown I found myself wondering what this man was thinking about.v find在这里接现在分词短语作宾补,还可接过去分词作宾补。v例如:vWhen he came to, he found himself lying vin hospital.vThe man found himself su

12、rrounded by four boys. v4. However, for some strange reason this inner voice kept prompting me to talk to this vman.v(1) keep doing sth.一直做某事vv(2) prompt sb. to do sth.促使某人做某事,督促某人做某事 v5. I tried to ignore the voice as there was no way I was starting a conversation with a complete stranger.v(1) igno

13、re:不顾;不理;忽视 v The government had ignored his views on the subject.v政府没有理睬他对这一问题的看法。vignore ones words/advicev(2) there is no way 没有办法vThere is no way to stop the flight of time. v时间的飞逝是无法阻挡的.v6. As you probably guessed, I eventually broke down and came up with an excuse to ask him a question.v(1) br

14、eak down 出故障;分解;失败;垮掉vPaolas marriage broke down. v葆拉的婚姻破裂了。vThe car broke down on the way home.v(2) come up with 提出;想出区分:vcome down with 病倒,染上 v7. I cant describe the sadness I felt seeing someone in so much pain.vseeing someone in so much pain 作状语,表示原因。v这句话相当于Seeing someone in so much vpain I felt

15、 very sad, and I couldnt describe the sadness. v8. As we were leaving the train he thanked me profusely for being an angel by taking the time to talk.v(1) thank sb. for (doing) sth.为某事感谢某人vThank you for your help.v谢谢你的帮助。vThank you for lending me your car.v谢谢您把车借给了我。v( 2) by taking the time to talk作

16、状语修饰being an angel。 v9. I never did find out what was making his heart so heavy with pain but was glad I listened to the voice that day.vvheavy with pain中with表示原因,类似的短语还有:vbe wet with sweat汗水湿透 vbe breathless / out of breath with excitementv 因为激动得喘不上气vshake with laughter笑得全身发抖vtremble with cold / anger 冷的发抖/气的发抖v10. My receptionist attached a note saying a gentleman dropped it off saying he did not know my name but had described me well enough that the receptionist knew it was for me. v1)本句的主干是M


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