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1、Chapter 2 Subject Matter of an International Sales Contract Part1: The name of goodsPart2: The Quality of Goods Part3: The Quantity of Goods Part4: Packing and Marking 返回目录返回目录名称1.PURCHASECONTRACT题注章名WholeDoc.ContractNo:Date:TheBuyer:TheSeller:TheContract,madeout,inChineseandEnglish,bothversionbeing



4、amed(东坡肉)vProcessfortheproductionofname(二锅头)Chinesev编码协调制度由国际海关理事会制定,英文名称为The Harmonization Code System (HS-Code)。HS编码共有22大类98章。国际通行的HS编码由2位码、4位码及6位码组成。例如:“鲜苹果”的六位码为080810,其归类于4位码0808“鲜的苹果、梨及榅桲”,而4位码则归类于2位码08(即第8章)“食用水果及坚果;甜瓜或柑桔属的果皮”。6位码以上的编码及对应商品由各国自定。Cautions1、SpecificandConcretenotvagueandgeneral

5、2、CanprovideTomeetconsumersneeds3、Useworldstandardizednames4、Choosetoreduceimporttariffsorfacilitatesimport5、Impossibleorunnecessarydescriptivewords,shouldnotbeincludedintheNameTermsChinese 出口合同规定的商品名称为“手工制造书写纸”(Handmade Writing Paper),买方收到货物后,经最终用户检验发现货物部分制造工序为机械操作,而我方提供的所有单据均表示为手工制造,按该国法律应属“不正当表示”

6、和“过大宣传”,遭最终用户退货,以致使进口人蒙受巨大损失,对方要求我方赔偿。而我方拒赔,主要理由是: (1)该商品的生产工序基本上是手工操作,而且关键工序完全采用手工; (2)该交易是经买方当面先看样品成交的,并且实际货物品质又与样品一致,因此应认为所交货物与商定的品质一致。 请分析:此笔交易争议的责任在谁?应如何处理? case 合同成交品名为Apple wine,但实物包装为Cider。问直接发货会有何后果?总结1 案例的起因通常就是因为合同、信用证和实物三者之间不一致casePart2QualityofgoodsChinese The require of commodity quali

7、tyThe require of commodity quality :The quality of the commodity influences the use value and price of the commodity directly, It determines the use efficiency and influencing the market price. So, the customer will most likely stipulate the quality of the products at the time of inquiring. In inter

8、national trade, as the products of the trade are various in style and characteristics, the methods that showing the quality are different, it can roughly be divided into two big classes: according to the sample and to the description. Different methods are fit for different commodities. Chinese Acco

9、rding to the sample: generally, to those commodities which are difficult to confirm quality with the standard or the parameter, we resort to the sample , which can be divided into two groups, sale by the sample and sale by viewing the commodity. Arts and crafts, garments, light industry products, ag

10、ricultural and native produce are generally sold by sample.1、salesbysampleChineseSale By Sample Sellers SampleProduce and send the sampleKeep duplicate Buyers Sample Produce according to buyers sample and send it out Sale by counter sample Confirm Goods Quality CautionSalesbysellerssampleSendthesamp


12、inary,wewillbeindifficulty.Soweoughttosendthesampleproperly:whenwehavenoabsolutecertaintyaboutthequalityortheproductsarenotfitfor“salebysample”,wemayaddthestatement“qualityshallbeaboutequaltothesample”or”qualityisnearlythesameasthesample”.ChineseChinese If the customer demands to conduct business ac

13、cording to the quality of commodity, it is left for the customer or its agents to examine the commodity and confirm the quality. In international trade, the negotiations are always through letters and telephones because of the long distance between buyer and seller. It is inconvenient for the buyer

14、to check the commodities in sellers place. So sale by viewing is always applied in consignment、auction 、fairs and sales, and it is not fit for common business.Chinese If customer require enterprise offer necessary goods symbol sample of goods their, mean customer choose and confirm the item quality

15、of transaction in order to the quality of the sellers sample. The seller delivers goods quality must be totally unanimous with the sample, if the goods do not correspond to sample, the buyer has the right to dishonor the claim.Keep duplicateKeep duplicate: We ought to keep a duplicate of the sample

16、in case of dispute in the future. Usually we keep two duplicate samples, one is kept by ourselves and the other is sent to the Inspection Bureau(if the product need inspection or legal inspection).CHINESEChineseExplanation of buyers sample: If the customer sends the sample and requires enterprises to manufacture in accordance with kind so that the quality of the goods accords with ones own request, Mean that the customer chooses to confirm the quality of the trade goods with the quality of the b


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