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1、大学英语四级考试概述试卷构成测试内容题型比例听力理解长短对话选择题1535短文选择题选择题10复合听写复合听写10%阅读理解仔细阅读选择题选择题2535选词填空选词填空/简答简答快速阅读判断判断/选择选择填空填空10完形填空10 10写作和翻译15205听力理解技巧n听力题型分析n、节(section )、 问题类型节每组对话一般是在一男一女之间进行的一问一答。问题一般由先讲话的人提出。题目均以问句形式出现,其中多数是特殊疑问句。这些问题涉及的内容大致归纳如下:听力理解技巧续n、多用来问以下内容:、多用来问以下内容:n) 问“是什么、要什么、讨论什么、什么种类”等,如: What is the

2、 mans answer? What does the woman want for lunch? What are they talking about? What kind of books does the man want to borrow?) 问“做什么”,如: What does the woman tell the man to do first? What are the speakers doing now? What will happen if John fails the exam?) 问“什么含义”,如: What does the man mean (imply)

3、 ? What does the womans answer suggest?听力理解技巧续n) 问“从对话中能获得什么信息或结论”,n如: What can we learn from the conversation? What can be concluded from this conversation?) 问“对某人或某事有什么看法”,如: What does the man think of Miss Brown? What does the woman think of the plan?、节中用提出的问题主要问、节中用提出的问题主要问“对话可能是在什么场所对话可能是在什么场所

4、发生的发生的”,即:,即: Where does this conversation most probably take place?Where does this conversation most likely occur?Where are the man and woman?听力理解技巧续n、可能问以下几个方面的情况:、可能问以下几个方面的情况:n) 问钟点(可用替换),如:M: What time did yesterdays football match start?W: It was supposed to start at a quarter to 7, but it was

5、 n delayed an hour.Question: When did the game finally start?) 问在哪个星期或星期几(后者可用替换),如:W: I thought to go to town now. I have some shopping to do.M: Dont spend too much, I wont get paid until next week.Q: When will he be paid?) 问日期,如: When will the winter vacation begin?听力理解技巧续n、用提问的问题可以问原因,也可以问目的、用提问的

6、问题可以问原因,也可以问目的,如:nWhy is the man late?Why did the man repair the car by himself?n、可能问对话者某一方的身份、对话人之间的关系、可能问对话者某一方的身份、对话人之间的关系或对话中涉及到的其他人的情况或对话中涉及到的其他人的情况,如:W: May I help you ,Sir?M: I hope so. Its my watch. I brought it in to be repaired, but Ive lost the receipt.Q: Who is the man?n、主要针对以下内容提问:、主要针对

7、以下内容提问:) 问做某事的方式、方法或使用的交通工具,如:How did the teacher usually begin his class?How does the man usually go to work?听力理解技巧续n) 问“对某事的感受如何”,如:nHow does the man feel about the movie?How do you like the film?、问多少,属于涉及数字的题,可能有以下几种形式:How many persons .?How many dozens of . does . want?How much does .?How old is

8、 .?How long does it take . to .?节的问句根据疑问词划分,大致可以归为以上七类。节中偶尔也有个别一般疑问句。但也可能出现其它类型的问句,(如以Whom, Whose, Which提问),或针对以上未归纳的内容进行提问。听力理解技巧续n、 对话内容分类n若按对话内容分类,则可分为以下几种类型:n、时间类:包括直接型和计算型。、时间类:包括直接型和计算型。如:W: Your library books are due on December 13th. If n you have not finished using them by then, you n may r

9、enew them once.M: Thank you very much . I only need them for a few n days.Q: When must the man return his books to the n library?、数字类:包括直接型和计算型、数字类:包括直接型和计算型。如:W: Do you live in a college dormitory?M: Yes, I do. Its a six-man suite, but at the moment n only four of us live there.Q: How many people s

10、hare the suite now?听力理解技巧续n、地点类:包括直接型和含蓄型、地点类:包括直接型和含蓄型。如:nM: I need to cash this check?W: Will you step right over to the tellers window, n please?Q: Where is the conversation most probably taking place?、否定类、否定类: 此类对话既可以含有not, no, neither, nor等否定词,也有 but, although等转折词,或由would rather, too.to结构及虚拟语气等

11、表达。因此,对于后者要特别加以注意。如:M: Ann, do you have any extra money you could loan n me?W: I wish I could help you. I went shopping yesterday. n Now I have only two dollars till the end of the week.Q: Will the man borrow any money from the woman?听力理解技巧续n此题的答案肯定是No。听这段话时要抓住I wish I could help you.这一关键话语。这句话虽然从表面

12、上看是肯定式,但却隐含着Im sorry I cant help you.的意思。n、人物类:、人物类:包括人物关系、人物身份两类。此类对话提供一个情节,能反映所涉及的人的关系或身份。如:M: Good evening, Madam. There is a table for two n over there. This way, please.W: Thank you. Could I see the menu, please?Q: Whats the relationship between the man and woman? A) Husband and wife. B) Waiter

13、 and customer. C) Salesman and customer. D) Host and guest.听力理解技巧续n、活动类:、活动类:n 这一类谈话内容可涉及上课、娱乐、工作、日常生活等各种情况。n如:W: Are you going to New York next weekend?M: Yes, Im going to look up Bill while Im there.Q: Whats the man going to do? 这类对话中往往先后出现几种情况,要注意听问句是什么,然后再作出选择。听力section-A 常用解题方法n 节中的对话虽然简短,但多数情况

14、下,往往不能从听到的内容中找到与选择项内容完全相同的部分,即对话中一般没有现成的答案。因此,在听的时候要注意抓住选择项的同义或反义词(组)用辨别法答题(解活动类多用此方法),或根据对话内容采用归纳、推论或辨别的方法回答。用这种方法答题,类型不仅仅限于诸如 what does the man mean?这样的题目,其它如含蓄人物类、人物身份类、含蓄地点类、否定类题目也与此类似。如:W: How do you like the play you saw last night?M: Well, I should have stayed at home.Q: What does the man thi

15、nk of the play?A) It is exciting. B) It is boring.C) He didnt see the play. D) He likes it very much.n对话中“I should have stayed at home.”(我真该待在家里),这句话已婉转地表明他不喜欢这出戏,而对没有待在家里表示遗憾、后悔(should have done something)这种结构可用来表示“对应该发生而实际上没有发生的事情表示遗憾、后悔或谴责)。能使他产生此感想的原因自然是”The play is boring.“(演出令人厌烦),因而是正确的答案。否定类题目多含有虚拟语气、语气否定、暗示比喻、强化意见等形式。另外,属于数字类题目的对话中,多出现两处,甚至三、四处数字或时间,因此,除了用辨别方法外,有时必须用计算方法才能得出正确答案。听力section-A 常用解题方法


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