1、OpinionsoftheGeneralOfficeoftheStateCouncilon/AcceleratingtheConstructionofaWasteRecyclingSystemDocumentNumber:No.72024oftheGeneralOfficeof(heStateCouncilI. General requirements一、总体要求AreaofLaw:ComprehensiveUtilizationofResourcesLevelofAuthority:RegulatoryDocumentsoftheStateCouncilIssuingAuthority:Ge
11、循环利用政策协同、部门协同、区域协同、产业协同,强化政策机制配套衔接。Adoptingwel!-targetedpoliciesandmeasuresAccordingtothesource,scale,resourcevalue,utilizationmode,andeco-environment impact of various wastes, the responsibilities of entities engaged in waste recycling and relevant technical paths shall be defined by category, and
12、the resource recycling industry shall be planned according to local conditions to improve the operation efficiency of the waste recycling system.一Committed to innovation-driven development to improve quality and efficiency. The leading role of innovation shall be maximized, and the technological inn
13、ovation, model innovation, and mechanism innovation of waste recycling shall be strengthened to continuously open up new areas and create new growth drivers.the recycling methods of waste shall be expanded, and the recycling categories of waste shall be diversified to enhance the recycling value of
14、waste.Committed to government guidance and market mechanisms. The market forces shall be allowed to play a “decisive role“ in allocating resources, and the role of government shall be better leveraged. A policy system and incentive and restraint mechanism designed to encourage waste recycling shall
15、be established to invigorate various business entities. Public participation shall be encouraged to enhance the endogenous motivation of waste recycling.一分类施策、精准发力。根据各类废弃物来源、规模、 资源价值、利用方式、生态环境影响等特性,分类明确废 弃物循环利用主体责任和技术路径,因地制宜布局资源循 环利用产业,提高废弃物循环利用体系运转效率。一创新驱动、提质增效。发挥创新引领作用,加强废弃 物循环利用科技创新、模式创新和机制创新,不断开
16、辟新 领域、塑造新动能,拓展废弃物循环利用方式,丰富废弃 物循环利用品类,提升废弃物循环利用价值。政府引导、市场主导。充分发挥市场在资源配置中的 决定性作用,更好发挥政府作用,建立有利于废弃物循环 利用的政策体系和激励约束机制,激发各类经营主体活 力,引导全民参与,增强废弃物循环利用的内生动力。到2025年,初步建成覆盖各领域、各环节的废弃物循环利 用体系,主要废弃物循环利用取得积极进展。尾矿、粉煤 灰、煤砰石、冶炼渣、工业副产石膏、建筑垃圾、秸秆等 大宗固体废弃物年利用量达到40亿吨,新增大宗固体废弃 物综合利用率达到60机废钢铁、废铜、废铝、废铅、废 锌、废纸、废塑料、废橡胶、废玻璃等主要再生资源年利 用量达到4. 5亿吨。资源循环利用产业年产值达到5万亿 元。By 2025, a waste recycling system covering all fields and links will be preliminarily estab