1、本科毕业论文(设计)论文题目:金融危机背景下我国中小企业融资问题浅析 学生姓名: 所在学院: 会计学院 专 业: 财务管理 学 号: 指导教师: 成 绩: 年 月中文摘要中小企业在社会经济发展长河中的作用向来不容小觑,是国家经济的柱石。截止到2006年10月底,我国中小企业数已达到4200多万户,占全国企业总数的99.8%。中小企业创造的最终产品和服务的价值占国内生产总值的58%,生产的商品占社会销售额的59%,上缴税收占50.2%,更为重要的是中小企业吸纳了绝大部分劳动力的增量和存量转移,缓解了就业压力。同时,中小企业在调整经济结构,推进改革开放,建立市场体制,构建和谐社会等方面发挥了越来越
3、难题的对策建议。对策建议包括:完善金融组织体系建设;建立完善的担保体系;建立多层次的资本市场;积极发挥政府的引导作用等。总之,解决中小企业融资难的问题是一个系统工程,需要建立一个与我国国情相适应的金融组织架构、金融支持政策体系和法律制度安排,使各种金融机构与政府、企业之间能够形成良性的互动与融合,改善中小企业的融资环境,提高金融资源的使用效率,使我国的中小企业能够持续健康快速发展,对国民经济发展和和谐社会建设发挥更大的作用。关键词:金融危机,中小企业,融资困境 ABSTRACTSmall and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) Play a very important r
4、ole in the development of social economy and are the pillar of national economy. Till October of 2006, the number of SMEs was over 42 million, about 99.8% of the enterprises in the whole nation. The value of the final products and services that are produced by the SMEs is about 58% of the GDP in the
5、 nation, the number of the products is 59% of all the amount of sales in our society, and they pay about 50.2% of all the tax. What is the most important of all, the SMEs provide more positions and ease the employment pressure. At the same time, the SMEs play a more and more important role in adjust
6、ing the structure of the economy, in improving the reforming and opening, in establishing the market system, and in building a harmonious society. However, the role of the SMEs is not proportional to its position in the economic environment. Although the nation had spared no effort to open the “glas
7、s door” in many ways, such as the government, the financial agent and some nongovernmental organizations in order to improve the living environment of the SMEs. We see it, but we can not touch it. Actually, the difficulty is not changed fundamentally.There are three chapters in this paper.Firstly, I
8、 make a full explanation for the status quo of SME financing and the existing problems under the present economic background. Secondly,I analysis the external causesand internal causesof the financing difficulty. The main reasons behind are the information opacity of enterprises, incomplete legal sy
9、stem and credit guarantee system as well as financing system. Lastly, I table some proposals on solving the financing difficulty of domestic SMEs. The approaches are mainly included in: filling the bank in legal system, completing legal system, establishing multi-layer and diversified SMEs financing
10、 system, establishing and perfecting credit guarantee system and enterprise credit system, establishing multi-layer capital market, playing the guiding role of government.All in all, to solve the financing difficulty of the SMEs is a systematic engineering, which requires the establishment of policy
11、 system and financial system in conformity with Chinas national condition and the benign interaction and collaboration between financial institutions, government and enterprises. Moreover, the utilization efficiency of social fund shall be enhanced, and the financing environment of the SMEs shall be
12、 improved so that the domestic SMEs can maintain the healthy and sustainable development and play a more significant role in promoting the harmonious and stable development of the society. Key words:financial crisis,Small and Medium Enterprises,financing difficulty目 录一、文献综述1(一)关于中小企业融资难原因的文献1(二)关于解决
15、来,由于人民币升值、原材料价格上涨、劳动力成本上升等问题的逐步累积,使企业盈利能力趋于恶化,再加上2008 年9 月中旬以来的金融危机的影响,全球经济衰退、外需疲软、市场定单骤减、不确定因素加大,这些外部因素使中小企业融资困境进一步加剧。因此,如何解决中小企业融资难的问题,再一次被社会各界所关注。一、文献综述1929年,全球经济危机爆发后,英国政府为摆脱危机指派认麦克米伦为首的“金融产业委员会”对英国金融业和工商业进行调查, 1931 年提出麦克米伦报告,指出: 英国的中小企业在筹措必需的长期资金时,尽管有担保,仍存在资金困难,这种金融制度中存在的对中小企业融资壁垒的现象后来被称为“麦克米伦缺口”。之后中小企业的融资缺口问题一直是学术界关注的重要课题。(一)关于中小企业融资难原因的文献1信贷配给说1981年Sti